JAKARTA - The student demonstration in 1966 became one of the most decisive moments in the nation's history. Thousands of students took to the streets because Soekarno's government was considered a failure. This action not only brought down Bung Karno's Guided Democracy system, but also made him angry. The anti-Soekarno group gave Hartini a painful 'title': "Lonte Agung".
Those words are present in the scribbles on the walls of Hartini's private house. Since January 10-15, 1966, dozens of students have demonstrated by taking to the streets. The demonstrators made three demands.
First, dissolve the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Second, reshuffle the cabinet. Third, lower prices. These three demands were later known as Tritura (Tri Demands of the People). The action was not only centered in one place, but at many points, ranging from the State Palace, Bogor Palace, the streets of Jakarta, to ministry buildings.
The students who were overly upset vented their emotions by writing insults against the Old Order (Orla) on the walls of the buildings where the long march was located. The series of insults included: "Disband the PKI", "One minister, one wife, "Stop importing wives." The last words referred to Soekarno's wife of Japanese descent, Ratna Sari Dewi.
[MEMORY: Getting to know Bung Karno's son from Ratna Dewi, Kartika Sari Dewi Soekarno]
“In one of the critical periods in Indonesian history, there were two large student organizations that existed. In addition to the Indonesian Student Union Association (PPMI), there is the Indonesian Student Council (MMI)," wrote Tempo Magazine's report entitled Contributors of Ideas and Field Figures (2016).
"The difference between the two is that PPMI is an association of a number of extra-campus organizations, such as the Islamic Student Association (HMI), the Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI), and the Indonesian Student Movement Concentration (CGMD). PPMI is closer to political issues, while MMI is more focused on student issues."
Dissatisfaction with Soekarno's government, which was more touting rhetoric than real work, became the source. This dissatisfaction was compounded by the weakening of the government towards the PKI and the increasing feeling of the economic crisis at the end of 1965 in the form of a policy of devaluing the rupiah.

The Rp10,000 and Rp5,000 notes were withdrawn from circulation and the value was deducted by 10 percent. People panic. The devaluation of the rupiah was immediately felt by all Indonesian people, especially students. The smallest example is the increase in the price of city buses, which was initially IDR 200 to IDR 1,000 at that time.
Another statement came from one of the participants in the action who is also a student of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Firman Lubis. He gave an example, in 1962, he received an official bond of Rp. 850 per month. At that time the price for a bowl of noodles was only Rp. However, everything changed when the rupiah devalued.
At the end of 1965, the amount of bond service he received did increase to Rp. 3,500 a month. However, the price of noodles at that time had reached Rp. 1,500 for a bowl of noodles. As a result, the economic crisis and the decline in the value of money increasingly showed the failure of the Bung Karno government.
“Unfortunately, Bung Karno was not a good leader in building and managing a post-independence country. Bung Karno was not a leader who could fill independence by building his nation to be modern, strong, and prosperous. It seems that Bung Karno has been caught up in the romance of the independence revolution all the time. Of course, we can't completely blame Bung Karno, especially since his struggle was long and hard, to the point that he had to be in prison and thrown into exile," said Firman Lubis in the book Jakarta 1950-1970 (2018)
Sukarno angry Hartini called "Great Lot"
In addition to carrying Tritura's messages, the students also targeted Sukarno, who had many wives. Some of the students even dressed up in kimonos to satirize Soekarno's wife Ratna Sari Dewi alias Naoko Nemoto. In that context, Ratna Sari Dewi was quipped by students as a "gift" from Japan.
Soekarno's other wife, Hartini, was also involved. Hartini is considered a male usurper (pelakor) for seizing Soekarno from Fatmawati. Inevitably, Hartini, who was close to an organization affiliated with the PKI, the Indonesian Women's Movement (Gerwani) became the target of popular anger. In one of the series of actions in Bogor, for example. Hartini's private house appeared to have been crossed out by students with insulting messages.
“In Bogor another incident occurred. Hartini's private house on Jalan Jakarta was scribbled with unpleasant words. He said the writings were read: Syphilis Nest, Grand Palace Lonte, Gerwani Agung Lonte, and others," said Soe Hok Gie in the book A Demonstrator's Note (2015).
Soekarno, who received the information, immediately became furious. On January 18, 1966 Soekarno summoned a number of students to the state palace. In front of them, Bung Karno, who could not contain his anger, gave a stern warning to the students.
“You know what students do at Mrs. Hartini's house? You know that Mrs. Hartini's house was written off by Lonte Agung, Gerwani Agung, and others? You know what bitch means? Hartini is my wife and I am your father, so she is also your mother. Is this what a child does to his mother? Is this what Jesus taught you, where is HMI? Is this the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad," shouted Soekarno angrily.
Not without reason the proclaimer of the nation was angry. In Bung Karno's eyes, Hartini was the ideal woman. aka submissive and does not like to argue. Therefore, Bung Karno once gave advice in Dutch to one of the leaders of the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI), Sudjatmoko while relaxing: Koko, als je trouwt, neem iemand die minder intellectueel is (Koko, if you get married, take someone who less intellectual).

"According to Bung Karno, women should obey, not be fussy, not like to argue, but polite and affectionate. Politicians as well as thinkers live in tension. After a day's work, they need an atmosphere that relaxes the nerves. They want to relax. They want sexual gratification. They want women who are able to take care of their husbands (like Hartini)," said Rosihan Anwar in the book "Petite Histoire" Indonesia's Little History Volume 5 (2012).
After that, the students' anger towards Soekarno became even more intense. As a result, public support then flowed strongly to General Suharto. It is known that during a demonstration at the State Palace, Suharto acted as a person who calmed the students so they would not go crazy in action.
Thanks to Suharto's presence, the students were able to relax. They then saw Suharto as hope. In fact, one of the Class 66 students, Arief Budiman, Soe Hok Gie's older brother, said: We know that he (Soeharto) is a soldier who doesn't like politics.
“Back in the country, I later learned that there was cooperation between the students and the military; there were massacres with victims of PKI members or suspected supporters. Yes, there are terrible and rotten things. Gradually, it appears that the military is taking over the political change movement spearheaded by students towards a new anti-democratic regime,” concluded Goenawan Mohamad in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled January (2010).
*Read other information about SOEKARNO or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.
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