JAKARTA - Soekarno is a great orator. His fiery speech not only freed Indonesia from colonialism. The echo of Bung Karno's speech also opened the world's eyes to many things, including the issue of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism. Speech on the theme To Build The World a New in 1960, for example. The speech was thrilled by the UN General Assembly. The speech was labeled as one of the best speeches in the world.

Bung Karno's ability as a great orator was tested before and after Indonesia's independence. In composing a speech, Bung Karno was never perfunctory. He was total.

Like a masterpiece, everything - from the material to the atmosphere - was arranged in such a way by Big Brother. Therefore, every speech that Bung Karno produced was the result of his own writing and he was also responsible for every detail that was spoken.

This statement came directly from Bung Karno's aide, Bambang Widjanarko. Every time he wanted to compose a speech, Bung Karno was usually preoccupied with asking for materials and written advice from various parties: ministers, leaders of people's representatives, leaders of political parties / mass organizations, and commanders of the force.

As in each of the preparation of speeches to celebrate Indonesian independence on 17 August. Bung Karno often used the Tampaksiring Palace, Bali as the location for making speeches. Each speech usually takes up to five to seven days.

To Bulid The World a New which 'shakes' the world
Soekarno (Source: geuheugen.delpher.nl)

"As soon as he woke up in the morning, Bung Karno took a walk in the palace garden which was quite wide. Sucking in the cool morning air while enjoying the beautiful flowers and nature around you, walking along the way up and down the path in the park, is very refreshing. After breakfast, Bung Karno entered the room and started writing until it was lunchtime, "said Bambang Wadjanarko in the book Sewindu Bersama Bung Karno (1988).

After lunch, Bung Karno went to the room to take a short nap. After that, Bung Karno continued writing speeches until around 17.00. At night, Bung Karno began writing speeches again at around 22.00.

This does not mean that Bung Karno is always focused on working on speeches without pausing every day. Because, at a certain time Bung Karno chose to cool his brain by visiting Ubud, Bali to see paintings or sculptures, and taking a walk in Kintamani to enjoy the natural beauty of the Island of the Gods.

In more detail regarding the dynamics of Bali tourism, we once wrote it in the article "The History of Bali Tourism: The Eternal Friction of Customs and Tourism".

In writing his speech, Bung Karno himself admitted that every time a pen is put on paper, there is an overwhelming feeling of love for the country and the Indonesian nation. Bung Karno himself even made this statement.

He revealed that when he gave a speech at the independence ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia in 1963. Emotional outbursts in writing speeches often made him change papers. Because Bung Karno's tears often soak the speech papers.

"I say frankly here, that several times I have to change papers, because sometimes my tears can no longer be held back. Can not be held back anymore, by the joy of ourselves, and gratitude to all Indonesian people who have shown such tenacity, and gratitude to God Almighty, Who has gifted this tenacious struggle with the highest reward. , "Added Bung Karno in his speech entitled Genta Suara Republik Indonesia (1963).

To Build The World A New

Soekarno did not just show his maturity in speaking only on the national platform. In the international forum, Bung Karno also proved his skills as a great orator.

Bung Karno had shown consistency in this speech when he got the opportunity to stand at the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on September 30, 1960.With a speech entitled To Build The World a New, he emphasized the call for anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism. . He also tried to introduce Pancasila to the world.

“Imperialism, and the struggle to defend it, is a great crime in our world. Many of the gentlemen in this Council have never known imperialism. Many of you gentlemen were born free and will die free. Some of you are born to nations that have exercised imperialism against others, but have never suffered from it themselves. However, my brothers in Asia and Africa have recognized the whip of imperialism. They have suffered. They recognize the dangers and cunning and tenacity, "said Bung Karno in his speech entitled To Build The World a New (1960).

The 90-minute speech was delivered by Bung Karno with great enthusiasm and passion. Bung Karno seemed to completely strip the system or concept developed by the west over the centuries.

Soekarno in a speech (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

For Bung Karno, peace and tranquility were absolutely what the world wanted. For that, the UN is asked not to prevent this from being created. Moreover, the task of world leaders is not to defend this world, but to rebuild the world again.

Soekarno did not forget to remind that the aspirations brought by Indonesia belonged to the majority of Asian-African countries. Moreover, Bung Karno showed himself to be the only figure of an Indonesian leader who dared to bully anyone abroad.

Through this speech, Bung Karno made himself heard by many human beings. In that context, Putra Sang Fajar is not just playing the role of President of Indonesia. He also seems to play a role as the leader of Asia-Africa.

“More than that, Soekarno also played a role as the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement which was formed a year later in Beograd, Yugoslavia. Addressing the XV Session of the UN General Assembly, on behalf of the delegations from India, Ghana. Yugoslavia, Egypt and Indonesia. Soekarno delivered a draft resolution urging the United States and the Soviet Union to take concrete steps to ease tensions in the world, as well as urging the UN to play a more role in it, "written in the book Speeches That Changed the World (2008).

* Read other information about SOEKARNO or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.


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