JAKARTA History today, 57 years ago, March 12, 1966, Lieutenant General (Letjen) Suharto dissolved the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The dissolution was carried out in order to maintain the order of the nation and state, as stated in the contents of the March 11 Order (Supersemar).

Previously, the events of the September 30th Movement (G30S) in 1965 made an impression on the Indonesian people. This cruelty made the Indonesian people inflame the narrative of the dissolution of the PKI. However, the disbandment was not carried out by President Soekarno.

The memory of the G30S event never escapes the history of the nation's journey. The massacre of a series of army generals (AD) is considered too heinous. Moreover, the news of the atrocities of the rebels to the army generals has emerged everywhere.

The anger of the Indonesian people peaked. Students chose to take to the streets. They then inflamed the Three People's Claims (Tritura). Disband the PKI, cabinet raids, and lower prices. Every day the action continued in early 1966.

Tritura's action reached Bung Karno's family. He considered the student's action to be the last wind. Bung Karno didn't want to dissolve the PKI in the least. Even though the demands of the cabinet pond were granted.

The pressure to dissolve the PKI to Bung Karno continued until Indonesia's condition became unfavorable. This condition made Soekarno issue Supersemar based on a meeting with three AD generals (Basuki Rachmat, M. Yusuf, and Amir Machmud).

Soekarno asked Lt. Gen. Suharto to maintain mere order. However, that assumption was interpreted differently by Suharto. He took all the actions he considered necessary to maintain national security and stability.

The meeting of three AD generals (Basuki Rachmat, M. Yusuf, and Amir Machmud) arrived at the Bogor Palace on March 11, 1966, I welcomed their arrival and delivered them to the pavilion where Bung Karno and Mrs. Hartini lived. It was the meeting of the three generals and Bung Karno that gave birth to the famous March 11 Order (Supersemar).

After the meeting, Bung Karno headed for Jakarta by helicopter. The time before sunset and it turned out that no vehicle was carrying the three generals. I offered my vehicle and they were willing to crowd in the car. I told them to go to Jakarta in the light of the night that began to blanket the road. Based on Supersemar signed by Bung Karno himself, Bung Karno's way of life changed and his political career ended, "said Bung Karno's aide Bambang Widjanarko in the book Sewindu Bersama Bung Karno (2010).

The presence of Supersemar made Suharto step on the gas. He acted further. He saw the root of the problem of national chaos in the PKI which was considered the mastermind of the G30S. The people wanted the dissolution of the PKI. Suharto also perpetuated the people's wishes.

He immediately took action to dissolve the PKI on March 12, 1966. He also announced that the PKI is a banned organization throughout Indonesia. Suharto's decision was later identified as a marker of Bung Karno's license and he took the throne as the new President of Indonesia.

This effort is increasingly being carried out after Suharto pocketed Supersemar. The dissolution of the PKI organization was officially carried out on March 12, 1966 on behalf of President Soekarno (via Supersemar). The decision is contained in Decree Number 1/3/1966 and strengthened by MPRS Decree Number XXV/1966.

The contents of the decree are First; disbanding the Indonesian Communist Party including parts of its organization from the central level to the regions along with all organizations that are in the same principle as the PKI, taking shelter and taking shelter under it. Second, declaring the PKI as a prohibited organization throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia," said Sarah Nuraini Siregar in the book Intelejen and Power Suharto (2022).

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