JAKARTA - Solo once had a famous leader. Joko Widodo (Jokowi), his name. He was transformed into a figure who stood above all groups. He is close to his citizens, also cooperative with students. However, that picture is not strong enough to raise his name on the national political map.

Everything changed when Esemka's car surfaced. Jokowi became a brand ambassador for Esemka. He also supports the Solo-Tangerang trip for emission trials. As a result, Jokowi's name and achievements are spread throughout the country.

Jokowi was considered a valuable asset in Solo. The man who served as Mayor of Solo made many breakthroughs. He not only fixes infrastructure, but also strengthens Solo's identity through the narrative of The Spirit of Java.

His leadership was missed. Residents like him, students especially. Evidenced by Jokowi's victory for two terms in the Solo City Pilkada. His vote was almost perfect in the 2010 Pilkada. Jokowi and his partner FX Hadi Rudyatmo got 90.09 percent of the vote. This means that Jokowi is again trusted by residents to lead Solo from 2010 to 2015.

A series of achievements are almost inaudible nationally. Jokowi's achievements have only become monopoly only for Solo residents. In fact, the narrative of Jokowi as a pro-people has become a byword in Central Java. Jokowi considers it just a wind. he doesn't really care.

He continues to work for Solo's progress. This step made Jokowi support the steps of Solo residents who excel. Sukiyat, especially. The owner of the Kiat Motor workshop who often accompanies Vocational High School (SMK) students is supported by Jokowi because he managed to make a car.

Sukiyat named the car he made and the children of SMK as Esemka. He has made several car prototypes. Jokowi is getting stuck. He then made the Esemka Rajawali R2 car as the official vehicle for the Mayor of Solo in 2012.

Jokowi then pushed Esemka to be marketed. He also initiated Esemka's car for an emission test in Tangerang in 2012. So that it is feasible to run," he thought.

Likewise, Esemka's car was taken to South Tangerang, Banten, to be tested for its emissions at Balai Thermodynamics Motor and Propulsion Serpong. All parties can see firsthand the process. The involvement of the media in supporting Jokowi's efforts to perfect Esemka's car so that it is suitable for this road to be appreciated so that the public can see firsthand the process carried out.

Esemka's car trip from Solo to Jakarta, driven by the Deputy Mayor of Solo, FX Hadi Rudyatmo with a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Solo, Roy Suryo (later as Minister of Youth and Sports 2013-2014), continues to be reported by several journalists who also tried the car. The results are very surprising. Everything went smoothly, there were no obstacles. While getting out of Esemka's car shortly after arriving back in Solo," said Yon Thayrun in the bookJokowi: Rocker Spirit Leader (2012).

It is possible that Tangerang Esemka did not pass the exhaust emission test. However, this failure did not necessarily kill the spirit of all Solo residents. The return of FX Hadi Rudyatmo and Roy Suryo brought Esemka to be greeted with great fanfare. Like aendam who had just returned from the battlefield.

The domino effect of Esemka's return to the trial made Jokowi's big name stick out. News related to Jokowi's influence as Esemka's ambassador everywhere. Congratulations to Jokowi has sprung up. Because, he became a central figure who was able to raise Esemka's name in the national world.

The issue of Esemka as a national car also appeared. The car is considered to be able to advance successfully unlike its predecessor, Bimantara or Timor. As a result, Jokowi is like a windfall. Instead of being an official vehicle, Esemka is in fact more suitable to be Jokowi's political vehicle.

His name was widely heard participating in the election contestation for the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Moreover, behind Jokowi there are two big parties that support him. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) and the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra).

The test was successful. Esemka's influence was able to make Jokowi the Governor of Dki Jakarta for the 2012-2017 period. However, Jokowi only served for two years. At that time, Jokowi challenged himself to participate in the political contestation of the presidential election.

As a result, Jokowi was elected President of Indonesia for two terms from 2014-2024. Since then, the narrative that Esemka will soon pave the streets of the archipelago has not been realized. As said by the 3rd former President of Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Esemka's car is just a dolanan.

The term Esemka car, recognized or not, has indeed become a campaign vehicle for the image of partiality that drove from Solo to Jakarta, from the local political stage to the national political arena. Successfully increasing the popularity of Esemka's car, the media began to open the sites of Jokowi's kindness in ruling the city of Solo.

Mainly in two ways: the control of Street Vendors (PKL) which is carried out peacefully, without violence by the Solo local government apparatus and the revitalization of traditional markets becomes cleaner and more friendly for small communities. Then the vocabulary traditional market' and five feet' go viral on social media and carry the image of Esemka's car driver gaining popularity among the lower middle class, "explained Dadang S. Anshori in the book Bahasa Regim: Certificate of Language in Power (2020).

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