JAKARTA - For Indonesia, Iwa Kusumasumantri is both a meritorious and controversial figure. His work as one of the famous national movement figures throughout the country. In revolutionary circles, he can even become anything. So the amtenar, critical student, to the pioneer of independence. For his services, Iwa was given the position of first social minister by Bung Karno.

Like many movement figures, Iwa came from a lowly priyai family. Iwa's parents are political elites at the village level. Historian Ong Hok Ham said that young Iwa had attended the Opleiding School Voor Indlandsche Ambtenaren (OSVIA) in Bandung. His parents hope that Iwa can become a pangreh praja (local official).

But Iwa doesn't feel at home at OSVIA. The reason is, OSVIA is not his own choice. Iwa prefers to study law. After a long debate, with the permission of his parents, Iwa migrated to Batavia (Jakarta) in 1916. Iwa chose to study at the Recht School, a law school in the center of colonial power.

"It was unbelievable for me when I entered the Recht School or law high school in Jakarta," Iwa said in his memoir The Warrior in Historical Turmoil (2002).

As a result, through that school Iwa learned a lot about law and history. It was also through this school that Iwa began to enter the world of national movements. Jong Java is the mouthpiece of his struggle. Because of that Iwa has been known to be active as one of Jong Java's administrators since 1918. Although he looks busy, Iwa painstakingly carries out his obligations to go to school and organize. Thanks to his enthusiasm, Iwa graduated on time in 1921.

From amtenar to study in the Netherlands

Iwa then worked at the Bandung District Court and the East Java High Court. During his work, Iwa was known to be diligent in reading the sun magazine led by Dr. Abdul Rivai, and has frequent contact with movement activists. Iwa's political awareness was growing. Especially, when Iwa often asked for promises from the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Johan Paul van Limburg Stirum (1916-1961).

Van Limburg Stirum, said Iwa, had promised to provide autonomy and democracy or broad people's participation to the colony. This promise was never carried out. And Iwa collect it in various writings. Until finally, Iwa was disappointed and decided to stop being an amtenar.

After that, Iwa's parents again struggled to pay for their child's studies in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, he attended school in Leiden. His political adventure then found the right place, namely the Indonesian student association. Iwa's biggest contribution with other Indonesian students such as Bung Hatta was the birth of the political concept of "Indonesia."

After returning to Indonesia, Iwa in his radical style continued to harshly criticize the colonial authorities. These criticisms made him muzzled by the Dutch and exiled to Banda Neira. In exile, Iwa was given an allowance of 200 guilders and fell to 175 guilders when there was a malaise.

Long story short, Iwa left Banda in March 1942. Before the Japanese surrender, Iwa was recruited to become a member of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). History then recorded Iwa as one of the pioneers of Indonesian independence.

Ministry of Social Affairs

After Indonesia's independence, Iwa became the first Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs at the cabinet formation on August 31, 1945. Iwa was then joined by other big names of national movement figures, such as Alexander Andries (AA) Maramis who became Minister of State.

Samsi Sastrawidagda who is known as the name of the Rotterdam High School of Economics as minister of finance. However, because Samsir was often sick, then on September 25 Samsir was replaced by Maramis.

Then Maramis became the first de facto finance minister. Alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Subarjo, and Iwa as Minister of Social Affairs. The three of them were the Kaigun (Nippon Navy) group, also known as the Bukanfu group, which was at the Jakarta Navy liaison office, at that time the Navy liaison office was headed by Admiral Maeda.

"Immediately after the proclamation of independence, President Soekarno recommended the formation of just one political party or Staatspartij called the Indonesian National Party (PN). There President Sukarno was the First Great Leader, Vice President Hatta the Second Great Leader. In the general leadership sat Mr. Gatot Tarunomihadjo as chairman, then Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri, Sayuti Melik, Mr Soedjono, Mr. Maramis. This means that the Kaigun group sits in the leadership of the PNI, except for Mr Soebardjo, "said Rosihan Anwar in the book History of Indonesia" Petite Histoire "Volume 3 (2009).

His relationship with Soekarno and Hatta was harmonious. However, his power to become Social Minister did not last long, even though his performance was quite good. It was noted that Iwa was only in the cabinet until November 14, 1945. After that, Iwa joined the Persatuan Perjuangan led by Tan Malaka, along with Sudirman before becoming commander-in-chief. Because of that, Iwa was arrested and jailed for being involved in the attempted coup attempt against Soekarno.

“History records, Iwa was arrested and convicted for this incident. Tan Malaka was arrested and executed. Meanwhile, Sudirman became commander in chief. Iwa then appeared again in the political world as a member of the DPR and later became Minister of Civil Defense, which had faced the crisis on October 17, 1952, "wrote Ong Hok Ham in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Patah Tumbuh a Perintis (2002).

In the last decade of Soekarno's leadership, Iwa served as Chancellor of Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Bandung, Minister of Science and Higher Education, and Minister of State. that is why Iwa's contribution is so great for the Indonesian nation. Even Iwa has given birth to nine books. Through these books, "Muruah" Iwa as an independence pioneer and a nationalist-revolutionary can be seen clearly.

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