JAKARTA - 203 years ago, or precisely January 2, 1818, Martha Christina Tiahahu, Indonesia's national hero died. In the map of the struggle against the invaders, Marta cannot be taken lightly.

As a brave girl, Martha was never afraid of the invaders, even though her life was at stake. For this reason, Martha is often referred to as a heroine from Maluku.

Historically, Martha was born in Nusa Laut, Maluku on January 4, 1800. Martha was the eldest daughter of Kapitan Paulus Tiahahu who was known as one of the leaders of the Maluku people's army. Quoted from National Geographic Indonesia, even at such a young age, Martha has a reputation that can make enemies shudder in fear.

Even though she is able to scare her enemies, Martha's daily appearance is nothing striking. She is like an ordinary girl. Her hair is flowing backwards with her head tied in a beaver cloth (Red).

However, at the age of only 17 years, Martha had accompanied her father to take up arms to repel the invaders. Like when protecting Nusa Laut Island and Saparua Island in 1817.

In line with Martha's struggle, Kapitan Pattimura also took up arms against the Dutch in Saparua. In which case, the resistance then spread to Nusa Laut and its surroundings. At that event, Martha was active in igniting the enthusiasm of local women to dare to accompany men on the battlefield.

Martha, said LJH Zacharias in the book Martha Christina Tiahahu (1981), the young woman was very experienced in combat. Martha is said to have fought against the Dutch three times. In fact, of all the battles that Martha participated in, all of them were forbidden by her father. However, Martha ignored the ban.

"In an atmosphere of combat not only has he helped carry his father's weapons, but has also participated with war leaders in conducting war dances and has demonstrated his prowess, courage and authority," said Dutch officer Verheul, quoted by Zacharias.

During this battle, a Dutch leader Richemont was killed by Martha's troops. The superiority of the strategy made Martha's troops continue their attack.

The Dutch, who feel they have lost their best person, do not seem to accept it. As a result, the Dutch deployed an assault force led by Vermeulen Kringer. The Dutch continued to assault the people of Maluku.

As a result, fierce fighting was inevitable. Casualties fell from both sides. Slowly the supply of bullets for the people's troops has run out. In that instant, Vermeulen Kringer gave orders to get out of the strongholds and return to launch attacks with unsheathed bayonetwork.

In the end, the people's troops retreated and survived in the forest. Then the whole land of Ulath and Ouw was razed to the ground, everything that was there was burned and completely robbed. His father, Marha, and other fighters were caught and brought on board the Eversten.

They were interrogated and sentenced. Martha's spirit then decreased when her father received a death sentence. Meanwhile, he only received an exile to Java. Martha's sadness became even more intense when her father was executed on November 17, 1817. Martha was getting worse and fell ill.

Martha repeatedly refused to take drugs given by the Dutch. with that, Martha's body then got weaker. Therefore, in the early hours of January 2, 1818, Martha breathed her last in the middle of the pass between Buru and Manippa Islands. As a form of appreciation for his services, Martha was awarded the title of National Hero on May 20, 1969.

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