December 20 In History: Divorce Of Princess Diana And Prince Charles
Prince Charles and his wife Princess Diana (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

JAKARTA - After four years, the relationship between Prince Charles and his wife Princess Diana strained. Queen Elizabeth II as Charles's mother urged her son to divorce. The queen issued the decree today, December 20, 25 years ago or in 1995.

As quoted by the BBC, Buckingham Palace officials said the queen had sent a letter to each party, containing her request that they separate. This happened after the issue of Prince Charles' affair spread to the public.

"After considering the current situation, the Queen wrote to the princes and princesses earlier this week and gave them the view, supported by the Duke of Edinburgh, that an early divorce is desirable," said a spokesman for the British Palace.

The palace also explained that despite instructions, the queen would support any decisions made by Prince Charles and Princess Diana. The Queen also promised to facilitate and help everything needed.

Before the queen's advice came out, Princess Diana opened her voice in an interview entitled "Panorama." On that occasion, Diana pointed out that there was a "third person" in her marriage.

Diana clearly exposed who was the person who was disturbing her household. That person is Camila Parker Bowles. Diana said the relationship between her husband and Bowles was not just friends.

Diana babbled

In addition to exposing the state of her relationship with Prince Charles, Princess Diana also criticized her husband's ability, which she thought was inappropriate when he later became king. Still quoted by the BBC, Princess Diana also exposed several other family disgraces.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth's request to Charles and Diana quickly spread. Therefore the Queen and the British Prime Minister began discussing the future of the heir to the throne.

A royal official who is an expert in the British family tree explained, if the divorce took place, the princess would not have the right to hold supreme power if Prince Charles died one day.

And on August 28, 1996, they officially divorced. This ended their second marriage which had been going on for 15 years. The public is also sad.

The sadness grew even more after Princess Diana died in an accident in the tunnel one year later. Meanwhile, Prince Charles then married Camillia Parker Bowles in April 2005.

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