JAKARTA - History today, 101 years ago, September 2, 1921, the Dutch Colonial Government allowed the Muhammadiyah union organization to open branches to regions. The figure of Muhammad Darwis or better known as Ahmad Dahlan is behind him. The branches of Muhammadiyah are also fast growing in all corners of the country.

Support for Ahmad Dahlan was piled up. Because Muhammadiyah and Ahmad Dahlan made a movement that was able to advance science as a tool against poverty and ignorance.

Science always has to be found. That's what Ahmad Dahlan agrees with. He looked for knowledge to the Holy Land of Makkah. All kinds of scholars in Makkah made teachers. As a result, Ahmad Dahlan is full of science and religion.

The man nicknamed the Brighter also has a dream. He wants his hometown to be touched by education. Moreover, at that time education was an expensive item for the natives. For him education is a cutting-edge tool of struggle. Education can also be a savior of humans from poverty and ignorance.

Ahmad Dahlan tried to think of a container. He racked his brain. He also founded Muhammadiyah on November 18, 1912 in Kauman Village, Yogyakarta. Muhammadiyah is designated as a movement for the release and empowerment of the poor and marginalized.

Schools were built. Many mosques were established. The movement was also fully supported by the wider community. After all, Muhammadiyah is different from other religious schools that focus on religious knowledge only. While other sciences are considered deserted. Muhammadiyah actually combined the two. Many scholars were interested in bringing the spirit of Muhammadiyah outside the region.

"In every struggle, an optimistic soul is needed, as well as in an effort to uphold the Muhammadiyah Association, the spirit of optimism exists. when branches and branches of Muhammadiyah outside Yogyakarta have not been allowed to stand because there has been no decision letter yet, Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan has recommended that in other places an association or recitation activity be established with Muhammadiyah," said Sutrisno Kutoyo in the book Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan and Muhammadiyah Association (2011).

The association stood everywhere. However, the status is not yet official. Ahmad Dahlan had no problem with it. He continued to try to build the Muhammadiyah movement by perpetuating a real action.

Ahmad Dahlan also applied for permission to open the Muhammadiyah branch in other areas. Even though it took a long time. Finally, the Dutch East Indies Colonial Government was soft too. They allowed Muhammadiyah to spread its wings on September 2, 1921.

This means that in the Dutch East Indies region, the Muhammadiyah branch can be established if there are more than 10 members of Muhammadiyah in the area. The request for a change in this basic budget was submitted to the government on May 7, 1921, and based on besluit Number 36, September 2, 1921, Muhammadiyah's request was officially granted by the Dutch East Indies Government.

"The change in the basic budget for 1921 turned out to directly affect the expansion of Muhammadiyah's activities, both in terms of regional coverage, types, and quality of activities. The expansion of this activity can be seen from the development of the number of parts in the Hoofdbestuur, the number of members, branches, and business charities, especially those related to school administration," wrote the book 1 of the century Muhammadiyah (2010).

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