JAKARTA - Today, eight years ago, August 25, 2014, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (KKP), Sharif Cicip Sutarjo issued a reclamation permit (opening a new land) of Benoa Bay to Tirta Wahana Bali International (TWBI). The reclamation permit is granted for a period of two years. However, all Balinese people reject the reclamation agenda. The Bali Movement to Reject Reclamation (BTR) has become the main mouthpiece of Balinese resistance.

Romanticism about the benefits of reclamation has spread everywhere. Reclamation is not only seen as a savior for the absence of land for development. Reclamation is intended to make the area better. Even reclamation is the mainstay of local residents in improving the family's economy.

It is possible that the series of narratives made the Indonesian government roll out controversial regulations. Benoa Bay's status as a conservation area wants to be shaken. The area that should be treated and maintained becomes an area that is ready to be reclaimed. That is what is stated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 51 in 2014.

Presence of Presidential Decree No. 51 of 2014 is predicted to smooth the agenda of entrepreneurs to launch the construction of business facilities in the Benoa Bay area. From hotels to entertainment centers. The presence of the Presidential Decree prompted the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif Cicip Sutarjo, to issue a permit for the reclamation of Benoa Bay to TWBI on August 24, 2014.

Bali Action Rejects Reclamation. (forbali.org)

The reclamation permit is valid for two years. Alias until 26 August 2016 (later: revised back to mid 2018). The reclamation agenda was hailed as carrying a noble mission. An agenda that elevates the lives of many people.

"This reclamation location permit was issued by the then Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, namely Sharif Cicip Sutarjo after the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 51 of 2014 which was issued by the then President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono."

“The permit for the Benoa Bay reclamation location held by PT. The current TWBI is valid until August 25, 2016. After passing an extension in 2016 which was extended by Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, the permit for the location of the Benoa Bay reclamation is valid until August 25, 2018," the ForBali website wrote.

The reclamation permit was met with refusal by all Balinese. The BTR movement surged. The movement was led by the NGO ForBali and the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI). Those who participate in the movement come from all walks of life. These include cultural, traditional, religious leaders, artists, academics, and students.

A series of creative actions and taking to the streets were carried out. The action was carried out so that those in power immediately returned the Benoa Bay area as a conservation area as before. Everything was done in order to fight the capitalization of the coastal area of Benoa Bay. Therefore, the BTR became one of the largest mass movements ever.

The Kecak Dance Attraction in the Bali Reject Reclamation Action. (forbali.org)

"In addition to being famous for its cultural customs and tourism sector, Bali is also known for the beauty of its marine and coastal ecosystems to foreign countries. Based on local wisdom passed down from generation to generation, there is an obligation for all Balinese people to maintain marine and coastal ecosystems.”

“Therefore, neglect of coastal ecosystems will result in disaster because coastal and marine ecosystems are connected with the existence of temples and Hindu religious rituals. If the coastal ecosystem is reclaimed, the existence of these temples will also be destroyed and the local wisdom of the Balinese people and their religious wisdom will also be destroyed," said one of the BTR movers, I Wayan "Gendo" Suardana in his foreword to the book Local Wisdom and the Movement to Reject Bay Reclamation. Benoa (2021).

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