JAKARTA - The social media scene was made excited by the upload of the @popstoreindo account on Instagram which sold marriage letters and divorce papers from former President Soekarno and Inggit Garnasih. The two documents are claimed to be original and their keeper is the grandson of Inggit, Tito Z. Harmaen or who is known as Toto Asmarahadi.

"A man in Bandung offers a marriage certificate and divorce papers from the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Soekarno and Mrs. Inggit Garnasih. He turns out to be his grandson, Mrs. Inggit. I was shocked when I read this very historic document, I just found out that it was also the witness of Bung Karno & Bu's divorce. Inggit are Bung Hatta, Ki Hadjar Dewantara and KH. Mas Mansoer, "he was quoted as saying in an Instagram upload @popstoreindo, Thursday, September 24.

The uploader also added information, for serious potential buyers they can immediately send a personal message or directly check the seller's house. "PM I just have a serious interest and check the goods to his house. The price is very, very expensive, super fantastic !!!"

Historical activist Saddam Husain shares his views. According to the owner of the Twitter account @mazzini_gsp, the public needs to be more critical in seeing this issue. According to him, it is important to find out who is the party who sells the securities freely.

"Yes, we have to crosscheck it first. Is it from the Inggit family or not," said Mazzini, to VOI, Thursday, September 24.

According to Saddam, the historical objects should be left in the museum. "If they are sold, they are afraid it will fall to irresponsible collectors," he said.

Like Saddam, historian from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Asvi Warman Adam also responded to the advertisement. Asvi is concerned about the sale and purchase of these documents. Asvi said, the family should keep these documents rather than being traded.

"I am also concerned that it is being bought and sold. If the family really wants to protect the documents, that's okay as a family collection. If not, it's better to keep it at ANRI. Because it's a historical archive," Asvi said as quoted by CNN, Thursday, September 24.

Soekarno-Inggit's love journey

Inggit Garnasih was born February 17, 1888 in Kamasan Village, Banjaran District, Bandung. His love story with the late Soekarno is somewhat twisted. Since adolescence, the beautiful Inggit has been charming. Many men approached to steal her attention.

"Inggit" is not Garnasih's birth name. The name was obtained because of her beauty. Quoted by Abraham Panumbangan in the book The Uncensored of Bung Karno: The Mystery of the Life of the President (2014), because of Garnasih's beauty, people who get a smile from him are like getting a hundred dollars (one ringgit).

“Not a few young people are attracted to and fall in love with him. That's why Garnasih got the name Inggit in front of him, ”Abraham.

Inggit's love life story begins when he is married to a patih at the Priangan Resident Office. The patih is named Nata Atmaja.

The marriage was carried out when Inggit was 12 years old, a relatively young age for marriage. The Inggit household ran aground in the middle of the road.

Inggit then remarried. At that time, the figure who married him was a businessman who was also active in the Sarekat Islam Organization (SI) named Haji Sanusi. The marriage went well, even though the husband seemed busy and often left the house.

Then came Soekarno who wanted to continue his education at the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng - now IPB - to get an engineer degree.

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Cinta Karno and Inggit

Soekarno's arrival to Bandung was right after he graduated from the Hogere Burger School (HBS) in Surabaya. On the recommendation of his father-in-law and mentor, Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, Bung Karno stayed at Haji Sanusi's house.

It was at this house that Bung Karno first met Inggit who was the wife of Haji Sanusi. As told by Bung Karno in the book by Cindy Adams, Bung Karno: Connect the Indonesian People's Tongue (1965), from the first time he met, Bung Karno immediately called Inggit an extraordinary woman.

“Small in stature, a red flower attached to the bun and a smile that dazzled his eyes. She is the wife of Haji Sanusi, Inggit Garnasih. All the sparks that can radiate from a child in his 20s and still green with inexperience, swarming over to a woman in her 30s who is mature and experienced, "said Sang Putra Fajar.

Slowly Bung Karno and Inggit got closer. Although Bung Karno was married to Siti Oetari, Bung Karno believed that the relationship was no more than just a brother and sister. In fact, at one time Bung Karno felt that his relationship with Inggit was like a parent and child.

Because of that, Bung Karno's ideal female figure came through Inggit Garnasih. So interested, Bung Karno dared to confess his feelings to Inggit. "He's lonely. I am lonely. His marriage was not right. My marriage is not right. And it is natural that such things grow. Inggit and I had a lot of fun together. "

Love also grows between the two. Inggit also loved Bung Karno wholeheartedly without looking at his merits. They then told this to Haji Sanusi. Haji Sanusi divorced Inggit and Bung Karno to return Siti Oetari to her parents. In the end, Bung Karno married Inggit on March 24, 1923.

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Loyalty Inggit

His second marriage was not blessed with children. They then adopted Ratna Djuami, daughter of Inggit's older brother, as a child. Inggit faithfully accompanied Bung Karno in all difficult situations and times, including when Bung Karno finished school, started political activities, was in prison, and even sought funds for Bung Karno.

So loyal, Inggit also accompanied Bung Karno to his exile in Ende and Bengkulu. It can be said that Inggit was the source of Bung Karno's spirit. She is Bung Karno's wife, mother, and friend at the same time.

However, Bung Karno and Inggit's marriage had to run aground in Bengkulu. One of the reasons for the breakdown of the relationship was because during the 18 years of marriage, they were not blessed with a child.

In addition, at that time Inggit strongly refused to be honeyed because Bung Karno wanted to marry the son of a Muhammadiyah Bengkulu figure, Fatmawati. Later, Inggit was divorced by Bung Karno and sent back to Bandung.

"When Sukarno asked Inggit's blessing to marry Fatmawati, Inggit stated firmly that he was never co-mingled and preferred to be divorced. After the Japanese returned Soekarno to Jakarta in early 1942, Soekarno then divorced Inggit, returning Inggit to Bandung. On June 1, 1943, Soekarno married Fatmawati, "concluded Rhien Soemohadiwidjojo in Bung Karno's book Sang Singa Podium (2017).

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