JAKARTA - Donald John Trump's business instincts are unquestionable. Trump has not only succeeded in building his property business empire but is also reliable in running a business in the entertainment world. Trump's decision to buy ownership of the Miss Universe international beauty pageant, for example.
The annual event is a big profit. But Trump is not just chasing 'cash'. The Queen of the Universe contest has become an invitation to perpetuate his ambition to be surrounded by beautiful women. No one thought that the Miss Universe title could be transformed into a beauty pageant in the world's highest caste.
In fact, the Miss Universe contest is the fruit of revenge clothing company based in California, United States (US). Pacific Knitting Mills, the name. The company that oversees the swimwear brand Catalina Swimwear feels insulted by the treatment of the 1951 American Beauty Queen, Yolanda Betbeze.
The beauty queen from Alabama refuses to use the Catalina Swimwear. The refusal then provoked Pacific Knitting Mills to create their own version of a beauty contest. The contest is known as Miss Universe.
The Miss Universe pageant was then held in Long Beach, California in 1952. At that time, the participants were 29 beautiful women from all over the world. They "fight" for the title of queen of the universe.

In that event, they were required to wear a white swimsuit belonging to Catalina Swimwear. As the owner of the event, the disguised promotion of Catalina Swimwear went smoothly. Even though the participants are still few, there is no reason for Miss Universe not to hit the world of beauty pageants. All eyes then turned to Miss Universe.
“Until 1952, then-Miss America winner Yolande Betbeze refused to wear a swimsuit in public. The incident angered Catalina Swimwear and withdrew as the main sponsor and organized a counter contest. Two at once! Miss USA and Miss Universe," said Nafiisah FB in the book Girl Power (2008).
The first Miss Universe event was won by Armi Helena Kuusela from Finland. Armi Kuusela was 17 years old at that time. His figure caught the attention of the jury. Because, he is a figure who has a high social spirit. That victory made her the idol of the whole world.
Armed with that fame, Armi Kuusela can roam around in the entertainment world. He tested everything, from models to movie players. Hence, many beautiful women around the world want to be the beauty queen of the world. Like Armi Kuusela, he said. Indirectly, Armi Kuusela's popularity became fuel for Miss Universe's prestige to skyrocket. His fans grew, so did his prestige.

Miss Universe is also growing rapidly. The contest is not just a prestige between beautiful women. More than that, Miss Universe has become a prestige among countries in the world. They then prepare the best candidates who represent their country. They are driven by the belief that they will get the crown of beauty queen as Armi Kuusela got.
“For a few weeks before they appeared in the finals, the contestants had gone first to New York City, where some of them tasted sausage buns for the first time. They watch a baseball game the Yankees play, stay at the Plaza Hotel, the most luxurious hotel and then take a Pan Am jet to the West Coast.”
“In that election, Armi Kuusela, an 18-year-old high school student from Finland, won the Romanoff crown that once belonged to a Russian Tsar. The crown is made of no less than 1,529 diamonds with a total weight of 300 carats," writes Cara Birnbaum in the book Universal Beauty (2008).
Miss Universe era Donald Trump
Property entrepreneur Donald Trump has become a popular name for world celebrities who are interested in buying ownership rights to Miss Universe. The queen of the universe contest has officially become hers since 1996. Trump revealed that the high rating for the Miss Universe title is proof that the world is very interested in beautiful women. Himself, moreover.
Trump also honestly doesn't just look at the benefits of Miss Universe's potential. As a man, he thought it was a special thing to be surrounded by beautiful women. That's the reason why the rush to want ownership rights to the contest that has been held since the 1950s.
“I always thought that I was the most handsome man and it's no secret that I love beautiful women. This is why I bought the ownership rights to the Miss USA and Miss Universe beauty pageants. I like being around beautiful women. My wife doesn't mind because she is the most beautiful woman - and she knows I married her because I love her and want to marry her."
“I had the choice of staying single or getting married, and I chose to get married. I don't want to stay single. My track record when it comes to marriage is pretty bad, true, but I'd rather live a married life than be single. It's because I found the right woman. I learned a few things from my previous marriage. I am determined to do better in my marriage with Melania,” explained Donald Trump and Bill Zanker in the book Think Big and Kick Ass (2008).
That is, ownership of the rights to Miss Universe – as Trump said – is purely because he wants to be around beautiful women. Not just profit. Trump always says what he does is not for money.
He himself admitted that the money he had was more than enough. The ambition of wanting to be close to beautiful women is actually mentioned many times as the estuary of a big deal to dominate Miss Universe.
The agreement also made the future 45th President of the United States even more enthusiastic about life. Even more deeply, Miss Universe made him feel like the greatest man. Because, Trump is one step ahead of any man in the world to always be in the circle of beautiful women.
“My motivation for carrying out this project was not money. I'm not even looking for this project. But my passion for work is well known. What I'm passionate about fits into this new project, so it's this project that found me. You can't just sit there waiting for a project, opportunity, or luck to arrive. You have to be passionate about doing something you love, and the momentum you build will work to your advantage and bring other good things to you."
1. Donald Trump | Wikimedia Commons
2.3. Old Miss Universe | Wikimedia Commons
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