JAKARTA - Celine Evangelista's mother, Vincentia Nurul, has been in the spotlight after her daughter's divorce from Stefan William. He is often asked about his son's divorce.

When commenting on Celine's divorce, even Vincentia's child's household did not succeed as long as she was still selfish.

"From his first relationship with Dirly, then with Bacil, okay, Intan, then the third with Stefan," said Vincentia Nurul, launching the Intens Investigasi YouTube channel.

Feeling that she had said something wrong, Vincentia immediately continued, “Eh, right? Astagfirullah yaa..." he grimaced.

According to him, Celine's character can be read so that the household is not going well. The mother even considered Stefan much more loyal than her son.

"What I have assessed so far is that he is loyal. However he kept trying somehow there was this, I know he was waiting for my child. He's trying to fix. Never forget that even if it is not exposed," he said.

Celine Evangelista was once rumored to be married to a woman named Bacil. This rumor was further clarified after a photo featuring Celine and Bacil in Las Vegas, United States.

A certificate also shows Celine is married to someone. Even so, Celine insists that she is not a lesbian as reported. He claimed the photos circulating were just a joke.

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