This Is Raslinna Rasidin's Style About Her Birthday
Raslinna Rasidin held a limited birthday with her colleague, therefore the birthday was held in how many volumes. (ist photo)

JAKARTA - soap opera star and politician Raslinna Rasidin celebrated her 48th birthday at a cafe in the Bintaro area on Saturday, October 23. Not much he invited to this memorial. Because this is not the first birthday celebration this year; October 20 is his birthday. But this celebration is the umpteenth time. It turns out that birthdays can also be volumes yes.

"Anyway, during this week I have to be ready to blow out candles here and there every day for almost a week. Tonight in Bintaro, previously I was with my family, tomorrow there will be more. Anyway, I just prepared some birthday cakes and just brought them," he said to Saturday, October 23, about the birthday celebration in volumes.

There were also no more than ten invited guests, all from close friends and family. Choose a place that turns out to be impromptu. "So those who can join, tonight, those who live in Bintaro and its surroundings," said the mother of Siti Syalina Surya Winati and Ahmad Andra Surya Winata from their marriage to Indra Surya Winata Kowara.

Raslinna Rasidin dan teman-temannya yang datang di ultah. (Foto Ist)
Raslinna Rasidin and her friends who came on a birthday. (Ist Photo)

By the way, where have you been all this time, how come your activities are rarely exposed? "I'm still the same as I used to be. Doing activities in the world of entertainment, politics and the world of social service. If someone says why I'm not exposed, I don't really like being exposed. Only my friends and assistants are diligent in posting on social media. just for fun," said Raslina, who is now active in the Berkarya Party after years as a cadre of the National Mandate Party (PAN).

The question of rarely appearing in the entertainment media, he admits, is rare, but the activities of filming soap operas remain the same as before. "I'm still shooting in a number of soap operas. Still until now. So I don't leave this entertainment world," he said, the star who has played dozens of soap operas and feature films.

Raslinna sengaja tak mengajak banyak orang dalam satu kali ultahnya, untuk menjaga protokol kesehatan. (Foto Ist)
Raslinna deliberately did not invite many people on one birthday, to maintain health protocols. (Ist Photo)

One more thing he never stops doing is holding social services every Friday in a number of areas. For this one, he did not involve parties or organizations, all purely from him and several friends who had the same goal of providing assistance to the needy, needy and poor in various regions. "If I can't, I have a team that will distribute aid. But if I don't have filming and events at my party, I take time," said Raslinna Rasidin.

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