JAKARTA – There is a saying 'silence is golden', at one time it was necessary to take a break from the noise. Unless you really have to speak up, silence can be an alternative way to rest.

Calm is what is needed. Especially when your daily activities are very busy. Quoted from the Healthline page, Friday, October 22, experts in the study confirmed that it takes a moment to enjoy silence and its health benefits.

To reduce fullness or noise, check out the following unexpected benefits of a moment of silence.

1. Help lower blood pressure

A 2006 study found that a 2-minute period of silence after listening to music significantly reduced the heart rate and blood pressure of the participants in the study.

Since environmental noise is associated with an increase in heart rate, this was proven in a 2003 study, so it's not wrong to have a moment to take a break from the crowded atmosphere.

2. Improve concentration

A study conducted this year, 2021, involved participants and asked them to do a task in 3 situations, namely silence, speech, and noise. Those who worked in silence experienced the least cognitive load and the lowest stress levels.

A clinical psychologist, Supriya Blair, PsyD., says that silence can improve focus, full attention, and be more efficient at completing tasks.

3. Reduce anxiety

People who experience anxiety race their minds like on a racing circuit. Blair adds that learning to be calm helps us refrain from expending unnecessary energy. In silence we can also be more careful in activating awareness and detail observing the things around us, added Audrey Hamilton.

4. Healthy and stimulate brain growth

Research conducted in 2013 found that 2 hours of silence stimulated the growth of new hippocampal cells in mice. The hippocampus is an area of the brain associated with memory and emotion.

Although further research is needed to prove the effects that occur in humans, that does not mean enjoying silence is a wasted activity.

5. Reduce cortisol levels

Bangs and loud noises trigger the body to increase levels of the stress hormone or cortisol higher. Says Martine Prunty, Ph.D., the accumulation of unpleasant sounds can lead to mental stress and excessive cortisol release.

The bad effects, weight gain, body fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and chronic disease. Well, that means when allocating time for a break, set the music or sound at a low volume or choose a quiet place.

6. Stimulate creativity

Clearing your mind in a moment of silence can be beneficial for increasing creativity. Research proving this is still scant, but many experts recommend enjoying silence for better creative outcomes.

7. Relieves insomnia

Silence and quiet periods, according to Prunty, stimulate brain growth and relieve tension. This provides the benefits of increasing comfort and feeling more relaxed. When this is achieved, the quality of sleep can improve.

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