Get To Know Thantophobia, The Fear Of Losing Someone You Love
Illustration of fear of loss (Unsplash/Gadiel Lazcano)

JAKARTA – In serious conditions, fear and anxiety need to be diagnosed medically. When someone is diagnosed with thantophobia or is in the process of mourning the death of a loved one, it is easier to choose to live alone.

Thantophobia, considered to be anxiety associated with the fear of death, the process, and the loss of a loved one. Quoted from Sintelly, Thursday, October 21, this phobia can make a person have difficulty dealing with panic and worry.

These negative thoughts are not recognized in certain diagnostic criteria used by mental health professionals. This phobia diagnosis is known as a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder.

Thantophobia comes from the Greek, thanato which means 'death' and phobia means 'fear of each other'. Anyone can be at risk for thantophobia both men and women. People in their 20s are most likely to experience this phobia. However, older people are more likely to develop thantophobia especially when they are in poor health and the condition declines with age.

According to medical reports, people diagnosed with life limitations or serious health conditions may also develop thantophobia. The cause of this phobia is generally experienced due to internal and external factors. For the most part, phobias of loss and fear result from traumatic experiences during childhood.

Scientists believe that brain chemistry, genetics and heredity combine to form different life experiences and play a role in developing phobias including thantophobia.

People with thantophobia often experience symptoms of fear when they think about death and loss. Symptoms are followed by panic attacks and increased feelings of anxiety. Physical symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, nausea, and palpitations are also followed.

Treatment for thantophobia can be done with psychotherapy. Usually a treatment plan is carried out by a therapist or counselor who takes into account personal experience, medical history, age, and severity of symptoms.

Talk therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy and some prescription drugs will be given to people who have thantophobia.

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