As A Couple, Don't Be Ignorant, These Are 7 Advantages Of Shy Men
Illustration of the nature of a shy man (Unsplash/Ben Tofan)

JAKARTA – Having a shy nature is not a bad thing, in fact having a shy partner can make you feel a harmonious relationship. But you also need to know what are the advantages of a partner who has this trait.

Well, to maintain a harmonious relationship, know the advantages of your partner with a shy nature.

1. A great listener

Someone who has a quiet nature is usually a good listener. Therefore, you also need to adjust its nature. Couples who do not like to be the center of attention, tend to be careful listeners and of course far from arrogance.

2. Have a good memory

So a good listener a shy guy can remember almost anything you tell him. Although not as perfect as every word, but he really remembers what topic you say.

3. Good at making you feel comfortable

Many women imagine a long chat with their partner is the ideal relationship. But not with a man with a quiet nature. Don't worry, even though the chat isn't long but he is good at creating pleasant silences.

4. Don't keep secrets

Reported by Bolde, Thursday, October 21, don't expect shy guys to tell the full story of their lives. In fact, shy men need to be prompted with new questions to tell the full story. They also tend to be open but you need to lead the chat.

5. Don't like crowds

Shy men don't like being in a crowd. They are more comfortable in intimate and quiet places. That means you can choose the right place to enjoy the moment together. Well, shy guys don't like meeting people in large groups either. This means that if you have a big gathering with friends you don't have to force them to be more friendly or attend the event.

6. Prefer to stay at home

Most shy guys prefer to stay at home to a night out somewhere. Maybe once in a while your partner will follow your will on a date at the café. This is done to make you happy. But avoid protesting as he prefers quiet dates.

7. Likes you just the way you are

When your partner expresses his feelings for you, trust him to be honest. A quiet man may feel insecure at times, but he values honesty and will honestly express how he feels.

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