Recognize The Dangers Of Abortion As Former Kim Seon Ho Did
Abortion Illustration (Mart Production/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Recently, the handsome Korean actor, Kim Seon Ho, is in trouble. He was accused of forced abortion on his ex-lover with the initials A. Having been silent for a long time, a few days ago the actor who starred in Hometown ChaChaCha finally apologized.

Learning from the case of Kim Seon Ho, the results of the study as reported by Dailymail, Thursday, October 21, found that women who had abortions had twice the risk of having reproductive health problems than those who did not.

These reproductive health disorders include;

Great bleeding

The act of abortion can cause severe bleeding and is dangerous for the safety of the mother if the cervix is torn open. Further surgery is needed to stop the bleeding.


Infection can occur if the use of medical devices during abortion is not sterile or there are still fetal remains in the uterus that are not cleaned properly. This refers to cases of incomplete abortion. Incomplete abortion can lead to maternal death.

Damaged cervix

Damage to the cervix is caused by the cervix being cut, torn, or damaged by the use of abortion tools.

Other organ damage

When a device is inserted into the uterus to damage the fetus, it is very likely that the device can also cause damage to nearby organs such as the intestines or bladder.


Although rare, it does not rule out the act of abortion can cause death. Severe bleeding, infection, damage to organs, to mental disorders that are felt after an abortion can lead to death.

For that, if you want to prevent pregnancy after having sex with a partner, use contraception. A Baby is never a surprise or mistake!

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