JAKARTA - F4 personnel, Jerry Yan is famous in Indonesia thanks to his role as Tau Ming Se in the Meteor Garden series. This star from Taiwan turns out to be a technological stutterer. That right was revealed when he guest starred on a variety show.

"I don't really use the features on my cellphone very well, and I don't use the WeChat feature as often as people in general. I prefer to be contacted by phone number than having to send messages via messaging apps," he said.

This 44-year-old man who is still single doesn't even have an internet quota subscription. Jerry once took a WiFi ride at the house of one of his friends named Christy Chung to ask for a quota.

"When I needed internet access because I had to attend an online class, I went to Christy Chung's house because I didn't have an internet connection like WiFi at home," he explained.

The funny incident made Jerry Yan continue to reminisce about that moment. The class which was attended by the Meteor Garden star was an acting course and needed space to move freely like a rehearsal before filming took place.

He also acted and shouted loudly which made Christy and her husband, Zhang Lunshuo surprised and approached him. "After that, I just remembered being at their house," said Jerry Yan.

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