Unforgettable Impressions Of Abigail And Mauzura's Romance In A World Without
Ayushita - Chiccho Jericho (Netflix)

JAKARTA - Director Nia Dinata presents her latest film entitled A World Without. This film tells the story of a married couple, Ali Khan (Chicco Jerikho) and Sofia (Ayushita) who become the founders of an organization called The Light.

As leaders of the organization, Ali and Sofia promised members who entered the organization would find their best identity. "Later in 2030, we will present a place to live, where people can live safely, then we will curate whether these children have potential or not," Ayushita explained on Tuesday, October 12.

Playing the roles of leaders and life coaches, Chicco and Ayushita deepen their character by watching a similar themed documentary. The idea for this film was presented after Nia Dinata and Lucky Kuswandi discussed in 2018.

“The story about A World Without is quite old from 2018. We talk about world conditions where people easily idolize anyone on social media. Not only goods, but also ideology (for sale)," said Nia Dinata.

Nia and Lucky felt this phenomenon even more after the pandemic came. After that they developed the story and started looking for the players.

Apart from Ali and Sofia Khan, A World Without focuses on three main characters: Salina (Amanda Rawles), Ulfah (Maizura), and Tara (Asmara Abigail).

“The story is very unique. The concept is unique. I (often) play romantic dramas and this time I got an offer with the theme of friendship, sisterhood like A World Without,” said Amanda Rawles.

Abigail's romance, which is synonymous with horror films, also admitted that she was happy to join this film. “It's like recalling my memories about the teenager phase. It's a pleasure to work with Maizura and Amanda, they welcome me so much," he said.

This film is not just about mystery or friendship but about how people find themselves.

"I think being in this film made me discover a lot of new things and actually made me think more complexly about some things in life," said Maizura.

A World Without tells the story of an organization called The Light which is followed by Salina, Ulfah, and Tara. Behind Ali and Sofia Khan's organization, they find something that makes them want to leave.

In addition to the five players, A World Without also stars Dira Sugandi, Jerome Kurnia, and Richard Kyle. A World Without will premiere October 14 through the streaming service Netflix.

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