JAKARTA – There are many ways to increase sex drive. But there is the simplest way based on the findings of recent studies. So, sunbathing can increase aphrodisiac.

Reported by Fatherly, Monday, October 11, a recent study showed that sun exposure can increase feelings of passionate love in both men and women. The study, published in the journal Cell Reports, was conducted by Dr. Carmit Levy and team at Tel Aviv University.

The study explored the effects on cancer of UVB light exposure on the skin. The study explored the effects of one in three particles of sunlight, when it found that protein build-up between skin cells was linked to sexual behavior. Previous research was conducted by Roma Parikh, a Ph.D. who worked in a lab, who found early evidence that UV exposure affects testosterone levels.

A recent study conducted by Levy confirmed that there is a positive effect of sun exposure on women. The study identified a biological process that repairs DNA in the skin and is known as p53.

Although it is not known whether p53 stimulates the release of pleasure hormones and direct biological interactions between hormone-storing impulses, the findings confirm that the sun's mechanism has an effect on hormones.

Based on a questionnaire given to participants, after some time in the sun showed a higher sex drive. Reports wrote that women scored higher after basking in the sun.

While scores in men, higher indicates a cognitive dimension associated with sex drive. This includes feeling a deep desire to get to know their partner better.

The increase in hormones occurs quickly, only after 15-20 minutes of exposure to the sun. But the higher the intensity of the sun's rays the faster the effect can be felt. This is also corroborated by studies that report in the summer many couples enjoy sex sessions.

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