JAKARTA - The political career of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) is predicted to be a candidate for President of Indonesia in the future. As a wife, Annisa Pohan is also predicted to be a candidate for first lady. When asked about her readiness, Annisa admitted that she could not at this time.

"Masha Allah, I never thought about it. Because I saw for myself how my mother-in-law became first lady, it was not an easy thing," said Annisa when met in South Jakarta, Monday, October 5.

Even though she admits that she is not ready, Annisa admits that she is grateful and grateful for the prayers for her. "Thanks for praying for me, but it's not easy. It's not time yet," he explained.

The 39-year-old woman recalls how her father-in-law, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and the late Ani Yudhoyono, carrying out the duties of the First Lady was not an easy thing to do. Therefore, Annisa admitted that she had not yet reached the level of the current First Lady.

"I can't be compared to my mother-in-law, I can't be compared to other first-mothers. My level is still very low, not yet at the level. But thank you for the trust," he said.

Even so, as a wife, Annisa admits that she will support whatever her husband does. "My husband always supports whatever I do as long as it's good. Likewise, when my husband does what's good I always support him. His name is a man who has his own principles, his own perspective, must support each other," he said.

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