JAKARTA – Becoming a minister in a day is like a dream. But this was experienced by 6 finalists of the program with the hashtag Girls Take Over which was organized by the Ministry of SOEs. Each of the six finalists has their respective duties.
Reported by VOI, Thursday, September 30, the six finalists are Adinda (19), Putri (21), Sicily (22), Indira (23), Virdha (23), and Sharon (24). All of them are under 25 years old and have achievements and their respective fields. If you want to get acquainted more closely, here are the inspiring profiles of each finalist.
Adinda Zenniar
This 19-year-old woman is currently studying in the Department of Informatics Engineering and is only in her 3rd semester. Apart from studying, Adinda is also active in campus activities such as at the Student Executive Board (BEM) and teaching practicum in programming classes.
Princess Gayatri
21 years old, Putri Gayatri from Bandung, West Java. Apart from being a student, Putri also wants to be a tough, strong figure, and can strengthen others.
Sicily Tunga
Familiarly called Sisil, this woman from East Nusa Tenggara works as an early childhood school teacher. He in Kupang also teaches children in the fishing village community. Sisil hopes to be able to echo the voices of the suburbs. According to him, a day in office for a lifetime inspires.
Indira Arum Puspitarani
Coming from Makassar, South Sulawesi, a 23-year-old woman named lengkam Indira Arum Puspitarani. In her daily duties in the Girls Take Over program, this woman who works as a banking employee in Indonesia took over as the President Director of Kimia Farma.
Virdha Emmalianna Yudha
The woman who comes from Central Java and has served as the President Director of Angkasa Pura I in the Girls Take Over program, hopes to be an inspiration for oppressed women. He also hopes that those who feel they do not have the opportunity should seize and take advantage of the opportunity.
Sharon Florence
In this day, Thursday, September 30, Sharon in the Girls Take Over program replaces the position of Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir. Currently, Sharon works as an employee at a bank. As one of the finalists, Sharon hopes to be mentally, physically and mentally prepared to become a female leader.
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