Getting To Know Ornamental Plants Similar To Monstera And Philodendron, Rhaphidophora
Illustration of rhaphidophora tetrasperma (Instagram/@monko_the_plant)

JAKARTA – Rhaphidophora plants are popular from last year, the price can reach millions of rupiah. This plant is known at a glance its leaf shape is similar to monstera and philodendron. But make no mistake, rhaphidophora has a very different character.

The three ornamental plants mentioned above belong to the same family, namely Araceae which has 3,750 species including rhaphidophora. Rhaphidophora itself there are about 100 species, the most popular are the following 6 types.

Rhaphidophora tetrasperm

It has perforated leaves, so it is known as mini monstera. Because the size of the leaves is smaller than the monstera, it is often also called philodendron piccolo or philodendron ginny.

Rhaphidophora pusilla

This plant is found in Cameroon and Gabon. Its natural habitat is forests in subtropical and tropical mountains. Unfortunately, this plant is threatened with extinction.

Rhaphidophora korthalsii

At first glance, at first glance, Rhaphidophora korthalsii looks like a very popular vine or known as the dollar plant.







Rhaphidophora hayi

In contrast to the pusilla species, Rhaphidophora hayi live in Queensland and New Guinea. The shape of the leaves is more oval and beautiful when it propagates to meet the wall.

Rhaphidophora foraminifera

This fifth species of rhaphidophora, its natural habitat is in Borneo, Sumatra, and is also found in Peninsular Malaysia. The shape of the leaves is very unique, the holes around the leaf bones vary in size while the size of the leaves can be as long as three hand spans.

Rhaphidophora decursiva

The native habitat of the species Rhaphidophora decursiva is in China, South Asian countries, such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and India. Uniquely, the leaf shape is fingered but not completely separated from one finger to another.

jenis tanaman rhaphidophora
Illustration of rhaphidophora creeping indoors (Instagram/@philodendrose)

Rhaphidophora can grow well when placed indoors. As long as it gets enough light, the room temperature is between 16-27 degrees Celsius, keeping the soil moist but not soggy, and it's also important to keep the room moist.

How to water the rhaphidophora must also be right. By choosing a perfect drainage pot and watering it until the planting media is wet. Well, what needs to be avoided again, don't let water pool on that placemat. This can trigger yellowing of the leaves and can even make the roots rot easily.

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