JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI) Dr. dr. RM Sri Hananto Seno, Sp.BM (k)., MM said cavities will affect overall body health, including heart health.

Doctor Seno explained that the mouth is the door for bacteria to breed. If there is food residue that sticks to the teeth or gums then fermentation occurs, and after 24 hours it can cause the process of tooth decay.

The deeper cavities will damage the vulva and can cause inflammation. The inflammation will then cause the opening of a blood vessel in the mouth so that eventually microorganisms or bacteria will enter.

"Many microorganisms are malignant and a lot of them occur in the oral cavity when they enter the blood circulation, enter the body into the bloodstream and eventually enter the brain, heart, kidneys, joints, skin and others," said dr. Seno in the webinar "National Dental Health Month 2021" on Thursday.

More dr. Seno said it is very important to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. If there are problems such as cavities, it is best to immediately address them so that the problem does not develop further.

"It's very dangerous if we can't take care of our teeth. If it has cavities, it must be treated properly, don't let microorganisms enter our body's circulation system. , there is meningitis," said dr. Seno quoted from ANTARA.

Meanwhile, a Cardiologist from Harapan Kita Heart and Blood Vessel Hospital, dr. BRM Ario Soeryo Kuncoro Sp.JP (K) FIHA, FasCC explained further about the relationship between teeth and mouth and heart health. According to dr. Ario, people who have cavities have a three times higher risk of heart disease.

According to a 9.5-year longitudinal study of 247,696 adults in Korea, it was found that by brushing teeth more than once a day, the risk of cardiovascular disease tends to be 9 percent lower.

"There is a relationship between teeth and mouth with our heart health. If there are germs into the bloodstream, then the germs which are quite virulent attach to certain parts of the heart where they will eventually grow and damage the heart tissue," said dr. Ario.

Heart disease associated with cavities is endocarditis, which is a condition in which an inflammatory process occurs due to infection in the inner lining of the heart (endocardium).

Endocarditis is generally caused by germs that enter the body, enter the blood circulation and attach to the heart.

"The source of these germs can come from anywhere, one of the main doors is from the mouth, even 1/3 of the cases of endocarditis originating from the oral cavity are quite large. However, there are also other sources of infection which if not handled properly will cause endocarditis this," said dr. Ario.

Endocarditis can affect anyone, but those who are most at risk are people with heart defects, valvular heart disease with significant functional impairment, artificial heart valves, chronic kidney failure, infusion devices in blood vessels that are installed for a long time, weak immune systems and problems with the heart. teeth and mouth.

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