JAKARTA - As the name implies, a vertical garden is a green space that takes a vertical plane or perpendicular. This solution is suitable for those of you who complain about the lack of gardening area or land because it is very space-saving, aka space-saving. So, this concept can be the answer so that the hobby of gardening can continue to be occupied, even though the condition of the house is limited.
In addition, vertical garden creations can be very beautiful and give pride. To be even more excited, first check the vertical garden idea, launches Dekoruma, Monday, September 20 below!

The idea of a vertical garden can also be presented by hanging pots on the wall. For maximum results, try the idea of a uniquely shaped pot with a variety of green plants. Design according to taste so that the wall results have their own characteristics, for example rustic, modern, or minimalist.

Who doesn't stare at the beautiful walls of the house with artistic vertical gardens filled with only one type of flower? This vertical garden approach only uses bromeliads, which are ornamental plants that require minimal maintenance. For those of you who want to create a vertical garden like the idea above, choose the type of flower that is more resilient.
For those of you who just want to start gardening with a vertical garden concept, try starting from a small field first. Also choose beautiful plants that are easy to care for, such as succulents. With a little arrangement, the result can be a beautiful frame of various sizes. Although simple, this vertical garden creation is guaranteed to amaze everyone!
Vertical garden creations are not limited to the walls. You can create a vertical garden that is still space-saving by utilizing window space and dividing shelves in various styles. This method is ideal so that plants can still get sunlight. Also choose transparent shelves so that the room feels more spacious and bright.
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