JAKARTA – Difficulty sleeping can be caused by various factors, ranging from a lot of thoughts, a lot of delays, or even being too tired, which often interferes with sleep. Lack of sleep can trigger various diseases, meaning that you need to reduce the number of nights you stay up late.

If you want to deal with it the traditional way but still effective without taking medication, here's what you can do.

1. Breathing exercises

Regulating your breath is a way to control your body and mind so that they are more relaxed. This method is very simple, like a meditation practice. First, inhale through the nose for a count of 1-4. Then hold your breath for a count of 7, and exhale through your mouth for a count of 8.

This breathing exercise can be done 3 rounds before going to bed.

2. Prepare for bedtime

Readiness marks awareness of time. If you plan to go to bed at 11, that means 30 minutes before that time needs to be prepared. Before going to bed, avoid lying in the bedroom. Try to be away from the place or bedroom. Then just in time, you can start lying down with your body relaxed.

3. Listening to music

There are so many digital music player platforms that create special playlists to help the body relax and lead to a good night's sleep. This method can also be done by people with chronic insomnia, reported SehatQ, Friday, September 17.

4. Set the bedroom temperature

If the bedroom is air-conditioned or air-conditioned, lower the temperature to make it cooler. Because based on studies cold temperatures can make sleepiness come. If there is no air conditioning, open the window for a while so that air circulation moves and the temperature is cooler.

5. Commit to sleep fast

Sleep is like a relationship with other people who need commitment. This aims to limit oneself from accessing devices, for example, or watching television and even doing tomorrow's tasks.

6. Take a warm bath

Based on studies, a warm bath can relax the body, the adrenaline hormone that keeps the body awake will also decrease in this way.

7. Drink warm drinks

As long as it's not a caffeine-containing drink, you can drink it before bed. Such as warm milk, chamomile tea, lavender tea, and cinnamon tea.

cara tradisional untuk mengatasi susah tidur
Illustration of traditional ways to deal with insomnia (Pexels)
8. Snack on almonds

Almonds and nuts contain melatonin. The function of melatonin can improve sleep quality. Nuts also contain magnesium which helps someone with insomnia get better sleep.

9. Eat kiwi

Based on research, citing Alodokter, consuming 2 kiwis before bed can make you sleepy and sleep soundly. How can the effect help sleep? Because kiwi contains antioxidants and serotonin which makes the body calm and relaxed.

10. Eat foods that contain magnesium

Besides almonds and nuts, posing, avocado, and tofu also contain magnesium. The good news, the calcium content helps regulate the body's cycle, especially making sleep more quality.

Have you ever tried the traditional non-drug methods above to overcome the insomnia you are experiencing? If you are still having trouble sleeping, try to consult a doctor.

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