Jerinx SID Becomes A Victim Of Body Shaming, This Is Bad For Mental Health
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Nora Alexandra, the wife of Jerinx SID, told a story about her husband who often received comments about his fat body. Due to frequent negative comments, Jerinx SID often complains that he is fat and is afraid to eat.

The act of humiliating others regarding their body shape, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is considered as body shaming. Body shaming that is done continuously can make people who receive it experience mental health problems.

Adapting the Halodoc page, Thursday, September 16, there are at least three mental health impacts experienced by victims of body shaming. What are those?

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder is a mental health disorder where a person will eat continuously without stopping. This disorder is usually experienced by someone who is thin. He would try to gain weight instantly by devouring all kinds of food non-stop so the ridicule about his thin body would stop. This disorder can be overcome with the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist.


Anorexia is the impact of body shaming that occurs in someone with a physical assessment of being too fat. People who experience this will try hard to become thin. Starting from avoiding food, such as Jerinx SID, to vomiting back all the food eaten so that the body does not digest it. Anorexia needs to be treated seriously and appropriately by psychiatrists and therapists.


Depression can also be experienced due to frequent exposure to body shaming. Victims will feel anxious, fearful, and excessively worried about their physical appearance. If he continues to be depressed, he will lose the zest for life so that the possibility of suicidal ideation is greater than improving the situation.

For that, for anyone who still frequently engages in body shaming habits, you should stop immediately. Because this will only harm other people.

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