Big Doesn't Always Determine Sexual Satisfaction, Here Are 5 Facts About Penis Size
Illustration of penis size and sexual satisfaction (Unsplash/Deon Black)

JAKARTA – It's not like a piggy bank, the bigger the size, the more money you can save. Penis size is different, sexual satisfaction also cannot be measured just because of its size.

What do you and your partner think about penis size? Are the facts below included?

1. Penis size is related to consent

In sexual intercourse with a partner, penis size is related to consent or consent. Associated with the position, need or not additional lubricant, and skill or skill to make each partner feel the same pleasure.

In a study conducted by Russel Eisenman and published in 2001 entitled Penis Size: Survey of Female Perceptions of Sexual Satisfaction, he cited the book Human Sexual Response by WH. Masters and VE. Johnson.

Penis size should have no physiological effect on a woman's sexual pleasure, because the vagina can adapt to the size of the penis. However, many subjects reported only their psychological preferences without showing actual physiological preferences.

2. Big penis is not necessarily better

Reported by Healthline, Wednesday, September 15, an average large penis is associated with the risk of injury and infection. The extra length also makes some sex positions very painful. A penis that is too thick is also at risk of causing a tear if you are not careful.

3. Small penis is not necessarily bad

The average penis length is 9.1 centimeters and 13.1 centimeters when erect. On average, most people have a penis or about 85 percent overestimate the size of the penis. But actually, a small penis is not necessarily a bad thing. Precisely with an average penis or below it can even focus on pleasure rather than feeling pain.

4. Penis size does not affect fertility

Penis size can be considered last, in the context of planning a pregnancy. Penis size also does not determine fertility. Sperm is produced by the testes and the cause of decreased fertility according to research is stress.

5. Focus on size can derail fun

Expertise for maximum performance in sex that gives pleasure. Some people actually ignore skills because they only dwell on size. There are also those who are too focused on size to lower their confidence.

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