JAKARTA - Do you remember the 90s actress, Femmy Permatasari? Even though her face is rarely on the screen nowadays, but who would have thought that Femmy's appearance still looks youthful at the age of 47 years.
One of them he spent holidays in Bali. His appearance while on vacation on the Island of the Gods reaped praise for his youth. Not only did his youthful charm steal the attention, but also the cute outfit he wore to show his body goals also got the spotlight.
Curious to see Femmy Permatasari's body goals? Here's the portrait.

By her closest friends, Femmy Permatasari is known as a person who likes to exercise. Martial sports such as Kung Fu and Muay Thai are Femmy's most popular. Feeling lacking, Femmy also plans to immediately enter the world of fencing. Unfortunately, he had to cancel this desire because he did not get the approval of his husband.
Husband said "Love love, you've studied Kung Fu, Muay Thai, now you want permission to learn to play fencing... don't worry, if I'm a little wrong, you can Samurai with you" Femmy wrote in the description column.

Femmy Permatasari often uploads her self-portrait in revealing clothes on several occasions to show her body goals that she got from diligently exercising.

Especially when on vacation with family in Bali, Femmy seems to enjoy exploring with appearances. In this portrait, for example. She looks sexy wearing a yellow dress. A happy expression graced Femmy Permatasari's face when she took a photo with her four children and her husband, whom she just married in February 2019.

Not wanting to be blasphemed by netizens because of her sexiness in dressing, Femmy explained in the description column that her husband didn't mind her current appearance at all.
The man behind me taught me a lot how to deal with this Life. My husband once said: "Don't be a hypocrite, live as it is, if you really like a sexy appearance, go ahead as long as your body is decent. The important thing is that your life is only for 1 man. That is your husband."

Even though she already has body goals, Femmy Permatasari still feels that her body is still full of fat. He intends to lose weight from 52 kg to 45 kg. However, the husband thinks Femmy is better if her body weight is like now.
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