JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting has completed the clarification process and answered questions from investigators regarding his report to KD on suspicion of hate speech. Tuesday, September 14, Ayu answered the remaining 15 questions from investigators.

"Thank God, we will answer everything that the investigators need. This is complete, so we don't go back and forth," said Ayu at the Polda Metro Jaya.

Ayu reported KD, the owner of the Gundik Empang Instagram account, for alleged online bullying. Accompanied by Lawyer Minola Sembayang, Ayu hopes that the case can be continued.

"Today we are here as promised to solve 15 questions that have not been resolved some time ago. So today all the information giving processes have been completed. Now we just have to hand it over to investigators regarding Ayu's report, so that the process can continue," said Minola.

Some of the questions asked by investigators, Minola continued, were whether Ayu was friends or not with the Gundik Empang account owner, how did Ayu know the account, did she feel insulted by her upload.

"Alhamdulillah, we all answer what the investigators need," said Minola.

Ayu Ting Ting hopes that this report will have a deterrent effect on perpetrators who like to carry out digital bullying. "Surely the hope is that there will be a deterrent effect. I'm worried that Bilqis will get bigger. I'm doing this for the future of Bilqis. Moreover, the digital footprint can't be erased," he said.

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