JAKARTA – Making love is useful for burning calories and helping the body produce the hormone oxytocin. This hormone triggers feelings of happiness and relieves pain. Uniquely, this bed 'sport' activity can also be compared to a gym exercise that trains several parts of the body's muscles.

However, to maintain the fitness of the body, exercise is still needed. This means making love is not a substitute for exercise. To help tone your muscles, the following sex positions have the effect of exercising in the gym.

1. Missionary

This classic sex position is not realized to form the buttocks and core muscles. Reported by CNN Indonesia, Monday, September 13, this position is very common. In order not to be boring, you and your partner can freely activate your hands by touching each other's sensitive points, hugging, looking at each other, or kissing to make it more intense.

2. Cowgirl

The cowgirl position gives women the opportunity to be in a dominant position. Starting from setting the rhythm of the game to the depth of penetration. Madeline Catellanos, a sex therapist based in New York City suggests not the knees as a support but the feet. This position is similar to the low squat which tightens the quadriceps muscles.

3. Standing suspension

This position is similar to lifting weights for men. As for women can tighten the muscles of the thighs, arms, torso. According to fitness expert, Adam Rosante, the heavier the weights you lift, the more you will achieve your target to tone your muscles.

Standing suspension is done while standing and facing each other. Wrap your arms and legs around your partner, then secure the core.

4. Lunge

Lunges can be done on a more balanced chair or sofa. Let your partner sit and you on top of your partner with your left foot on the couch and your right foot on the floor. This position trains the left buttocks and right hamstring muscles. Do it alternately so that both parts of the muscle are trained.

5. Brute

If the woman in the top position has her back to her partner, it is called a reverse cowgirl. If you take over or on top you can work your core, glutes, and hamstrings.

6. Lotus

Castellanos explained, the lotus sex position is very intimate. Let your partner sit opposite each other on top of you with their legs wrapped around their waist. Concentrate on the movement of the lower abdomen or lower abs to rock the pelvis up and down.

7. Doggy style

Doggy style sex positions are among the most commonly practiced and more acrobatic than missionary. If the position of the arm as a support is lower, this movement is like push ups.

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