JAKARTA – According to a study, humans and zebrafish share 70 percent of the same genes. So can the facts found by the research team from Penn State University in 2016 be used to validate the pregnancy of Felipine Kimberly who claimed to be pregnant with fish?

Felipine Kimberly, a 17 year old girl living in Thailand. The girl had a bloated stomach and admitted that she was pregnant with a young creature from a different genus, a fish. What is even more surprising is that the ultrasound image of the fetus in its stomach is similar to that of a fish.

Kimberly felt pain in her stomach, as reported by the KMJS Exclusives page in a video with a duration of 3 minutes 18 seconds, to be precise in the abdomen since a year earlier. Then her belly started to grow like a pregnant woman.

Kimberly's father thought his daughter was pregnant. However, at that time, Kimberly was not in a relationship with anyone. Meanwhile, the other family, his grandmother, estimated something 'nested' in his grandson's stomach after he swam in the sea during menstruation.

Based on the belief of the people where Kimberly and her parents live, swimming in the sea during menstruation is sacred. This can cause pain because at the time of menstruation something can easily enter the body.

To determine the cause and symptoms she was experiencing, Kimberly did an ultrasound. The results of the ultrasound image are like a fish, with two eyes and the mouth is clearly visible. The ultrasound image resulted in the suspicion of a fish being pregnant.

This allegation was confirmed by an obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr Massachusette Fernandez. At first glance, something growing in Kimberly's stomach was like a fish. But actually what grows is not a fish fetus, but an ovarian cyst.

The cause of the growth of ovarian cysts there are various factors, including one of them is the condition of the body and can also be due to heredity.

Other doctors also said that it was impossible for pregnancy to occur from the fertilization process between humans and fish. If the fish goes into the womb, this animal is also unlikely. Because the fallopian tubes, which lead to the ovaries, in women are too small to allow fish to enter.

After a medical examination, Kimberly underwent surgery to remove the cyst at a local hospital for free. Post-surgery after cyst removal, the patient requires ongoing care and treatment so that the cyst does not grow again.

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