JAKARTA - Mothers who have just given birth definitely want to give the best for their little ones, especially in terms of breastfeeding. Because breast milk is a natural nutrient that is good for the growth of a baby.

But in reality, not all mothers can produce breast milk smoothly, there are some mothers who have to try more to be able to express breast milk. If you are one of them there is no need to panic! Because there are tips you can do to stimulate the smooth production of breast milk. Want to know what these tips are? Here's the information.

Breastfeed every 2-3 hours

Newborn babies need milk intake about 2-3 hours both day and night. It's a good idea to follow this time, because the breast milk in a woman's body will only be filled when needed. This means that if the milk in your breast runs out, the new body will work to produce milk again.

Pumping breast milk

Pumping is one way you can increase your milk production. For new mothers, there may still be many difficulties in the breastfeeding process, so that breastfeeding activities become ineffective. Use a breast pump after you finish breastfeeding, it can stimulate and stimulate the breasts to produce milk.

Eat nutritious food

Some foods have been shown to increase milk production. One of them is katuk leaf vegetable, for maximum results, try to consume it regularly, moms. Avoid drugs as an option to increase breast milk.

Drink more water

Drink lots of water not only to avoid kidney stones, but also good for milk production. Because of course the body needs fluids to be able to produce good breast milk.

Avoid stress

These are the most important tips for those of you who want to keep breast milk production smooth. Avoid stress and do activities that make you happy. Because if your mind is stressed, it will make the hormones in the body out of balance so that milk production.

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