JAKARTA - The series of events leading up to the 2021 Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) award continues. Tuesday, September 7, 2021 FFWI XI Committee, held the second Webinar entitled "Investigating the Interests and Tastes of Young Indonesian Audiences".

This webinar presents three speakers, namely Anggy Umbara, Ody Mulya Hidayat, and Yan Wijaya. As the director of the film Warkop DKI Reborn, which ranks as the highest-grossing Indonesian film of all time, Anggy admits that he has five tips to make his film sell well.

"First, film as IP, intellectual property must be strong. Second, the story is interesting and targets the audience. Third, total and consistent production value. For players, it must be considered whether it can attract audiences to the cinema. Lastly, promotion must be accurate, building audience interest. the title of a film is important," he explained.

Young viewers, he continued, are the majority of viewers in Indonesia. "Before the pandemic, Indonesian films were at their peak. We can see young audiences dominating at the age of 13-18 years. We have to follow their interesting stories. It's easy, yes, love stories can be accepted at all ages," he said.

Meanwhile, Ody Mulya Hidayat as the Producer of Max Pictures who was successful with the films Dilan 1990 and Dilan 1991 agreed with what Anggy Umbara said. However, the shift from cinema screens to OTT during the pandemic has also changed the player selection strategy.

"Now players don't have to be famous. Because this OTT changes the needs of our players, social media can be a benchmark for whether players can attract the interest of the audience," he explained.

Director of Film, Music and New Media of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) Ahmad Mahendra appreciated this webinar entitled "Investigating the Interests and Tastes of Young Indonesian Audiences". He said the government would support and facilitate the 2021 Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) as an effort to strengthen the film ecosystem, especially in the midst of a pandemic.

"Journalists certainly cannot be separated from the journey of Indonesian cinema. So when there is an idea to hold FFWI, of course we fully support it. This is a good step to strengthen the ecosystem," said Ahmad in the second FFWI webinar, Tuesday.

"So we certainly appreciate this good effort. The Ministry of Education and Culture is very supportive and ready to facilitate," he said.

Ahmad added that the COVID-19 pandemic had a fairly serious impact on all sectors, including film in Indonesia.

According to him, many filmmakers find it difficult to produce new works because of the pandemic, so he hopes that the FFWI event can spur people's creativity to return to work on the film line.

Chairman of the All-Indonesian Cinema Entrepreneurs Association (GPBSI) Djonny Suafruddin said he also greatly appreciated the 2021 FFWI event. "I consider that FFWI has its own qualities because there are so many researchers. One journalist can judge dozens of films, especially if there are hundreds of journalists," said Djonny. .

"So don't worry, keep going. I will continue to support you," he added.

FFWI 2021, which is touted as Indonesia's Golden Globe, is the initiation of film journalists and in collaboration with the Directorate of Film, Music and New Media of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, has been officially launched on July 7, 2021 and will hold its peak night on October 28.

A total of 30 trophies will be awarded on the final night of FFWI 2021, 27 of which will be given to the winners and 3 others will be awarded to special figures in the world of cinema.

The judges in FFWI 2021 are active journalists from various ages and generations. They will assess three film genres, namely drama, comedy, and horror, which have been shown in theaters and over the top (OTT) from September 2020 to September 2021.

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