JAKARTA – Based on character, a survey conducted in 2010 categorizes based on pets, between keeping a dog or cat. A cat person has a typical graceful, refined, independent, intelligent, wise, and mysterious character.

Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, September 6, not all dog people or cat people keep one of the two furry animals. In this study, there are various factors that determine the character of a person, cat person or dog person.

But based on the character of the type of pet, people who keep cats are more relaxed because care is not as detailed as caring for dogs. What about Tyas Mirasih who often shares his portraits with his cats on his social media page, Instagram?

Tyas Mirasih has cats with cute names. The cats were given food names, including Cendol, Butterball, Klepon, Chongfen, and Nutella. Here are 10 portraits of Aries woman, Tyas Mirasih, posing with her anabul.

When he was active in the kitchen, one of Tyas' pet cats also posed in front of the camera. The cat is a domestic cat of the Scottish Fold type.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

Lying on a bean bag, Tyas Mirasih spends time playing with his three cats. He wrote in the caption of the photo uploaded on the verified Instagram account @tyasmirasih "My happy place."

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

Tyas feels happy in a special room to relax and mingle with his cats.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

Tyas considers his pet cat to be his children. In one of the photos uploaded, Tyas refers to himself as the 'Mama' of cute and fat cats.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

Tyas Mirasih has played various roles in a series of film titles on television screens. According to him, still taking time for yourself is important. The goal is expressed in the catchy sentence “Keep taking time for yourself until you're you again.”

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

The sentence means 'keep taking time for yourself until you become you again'. In order not to lose self-esteem, according to Tyas, it is necessary to take time for me.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

On weekends, Tyas spends time with Rawon's cat. The name of the food he chose as the name of his pet.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

So sadly, Tyas held a cat like holding a baby. In fact, every morning he took the time to chat with one of the cats.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

One place above the sofa, according to Tyas as a 'comfort zone' to share love with cats. Warganet's comment, @madu*** "The cat is so cute."

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

Tyas admitted that many cats are kept in his house. During the period of restrictions on activities outside the home to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Tyas also spent a lot of time at home with his cats and husband, Raiden Soedjono.

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Portrait of Tyas Mirasih and the cat (Instagram/@tyasmirasih)

The news of the divorce lawsuit against Tyas Mirasih from her husband shocked the public. Raiden Soedjono filed a divorce suit on August 3, 2021 along with a claim on the property of Gono-gini. The reason for the breakup is still 'No Comment!' to date.

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