4 Things Women Want Most When Making Love With Their Partners
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

JAKARTA - When making love or having sex, there must be many things going on in the hearts and minds of the two people who do it, especially women. As a creature that prioritizes tenderness and feelings, there are many things that women actually want to say to their partners when making love. Some of the main ones are as follows.

Eye contact

women want to be loved by men through intense eyes during sex, not only seen on body parts that increase passion. women will only feel like sexual objects when their partners focus on touching the body parts they want, such as the chest and intimate organs. women want to feel loved with a gentle touch on the cheek and passionate eye contact.


If men think sexual intercourse is only about penetration of the intimate organs, women don't think so. There is no rush, everything needs a process and 'warming up'. Women like when their bodies are not forced, but kissed tenderly with a soft touch. Foreplay (and afterplay) is an important part that will determine the satisfaction of making love. Research even proves that proper and sufficient stimulation will provide a satisfying orgasm.

Not only self-satisfying

This is what women often want to say to their partners when making love, namely not achieving their own satisfaction but thinking about satisfaction from the woman's side. It would be better if a man could make his partner orgasm first before pursuing his own climax. Not many men are aware that this is very important for most women.

Touched with love

women also want to be touched with love, not just lust. It would be nice if a man was able to make a woman feel beautiful by kissing her on unexpected body parts such as forehead, shoulders, stomach and back. There is no woman who just wants to be used as an outlet for lust, even with the partner she loves.

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