JAKARTA – Stress is a response when feelings and situations that occur are not balanced so that it requires a strategy to cope. Stress is caused by various factors, such as problems at work, loss, death, financial conditions, and other unpleasant situations.

Reported by the Instagram account @grhasia_berjaya managed by RSJ Grhasia Yogyakarta, Monday, August 30, there are 2 kinds of stress, namely eustress and distress. Eustress is positive stress. When experiencing it, a person will feel more excited, motivated, or more alert.

While distress is negative because when experiencing it a person feels uncomfortable and even has an effect on mental health. However, stress is normal and everyone faces it. If you experience it, look for stress coping strategies so that it is not prolonged and can be managed in a healthy manner.

According to Nadia Eka Rahmayanti, S.Psi. supervised by psychologist Aril Halida, M.Psi., there are 6 signs when experiencing stress, the following need to be recognized:

Difficulty concentrating Easily irritable Restlessness, pale face, palpitations Difficulty sleeping or sleeping poorly Decreased or excessive appetite Experiencing physical complaints, such as headache, stomach pain, and excessive sweating.

If you experience the signs above and experience stress, suggestions for overcoming them are the following stress coping strategies:

Coping strategies focus on the problem that triggers stress

In a stress coping strategy, a person needs to overcome the things that trigger stress, such as by:

Make a list of problems that need to be solved Look for information or references that help solve problems Ask friends or professionals for help Learn skills to solve problems

The method above is a practical strategy. You don't have to go round and round in your thoughts to trigger overthinking. If the negative emotional response is disturbing enough, then adopt the next strategy that focuses on the emotion.

Controlling negative emotional responses

Angry, tired, and not having the enthusiasm to do activities are the effects of stress. When there are triggers that are external or from outside the self that cannot be controlled, it is necessary to control the emotional response so as not to disturb the balance. Like in the following ways:

Doing relaxation activities, such as yoga, meditation, enjoying beautiful landscapes Take up hobbies or fun activities Rearrange the way you look at problems Seek support or a healthy support system Write down things that make you grateful

It should be noted that coping with stress is a way to overcome or cope with stress. Everyone, perhaps, can have their own ways that are not included in the list above. However, avoiding problems, telling stories about problems, consuming alcohol and drugs will not overcome stress but only accumulate problems.

What is your strategy for managing stress in a healthy way? Share your positive inspiration for the people around you.

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