Ayu Ting Ting's Report At Polda Metro Jaya Is Still Under Investigation
Ayu Ting Ting (Instagram @ayutingting92)

JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting's desire to continue reporting on the @gundik_empang Instagram account that had insulted him and his son, Bilqis Khumairah Razak, was proven by visiting the Metro Jaya Regional Police.

"On August 20, 2021 last afternoon, a woman AR came to the Polda Metro Jaya to make a police report about the insult under Article 315 of the Criminal Code regarding alleged insults," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes, Yusri Yunus, quoted from CumiCumi's YouTube channel on Thursday. Tuesday, August 24.

The haters were reported for allegedly insulting and violating Article 315 of the Criminal Code regarding acts of humiliation. "The reported person is the Instagram account @gundik_empang about an insulting tweet from the Instagram account against the reporter and also his child. So the initial information was when making a police report against AR," said Yusri Yunus.

Yusri emphasized that the report is currently in the research stage, not yet under investigation. If it is entered into the investigation stage later, the 29-year-old swordsman will initially bring complete evidence and also testimony from witnesses.

Furthermore, Yusri was reluctant to comment further. This is because the report is still in the research stage and has not yet entered the path of investigation.

"Just researched, not investigated yet. Still being researched, after being researched, it will be administered, if it's a new investigation. Who wants to be invited to the interview first. The mechanism must be that those who are invited first report first," said Yusri Yunus.

"Now the report is being investigated by friends of Brimop Metro Jaya. We will examine the allegations in Article 315. We'll see later. The plan is definitely not going to continue, after going up to the investigation, an interview with the reporter will be conducted first with evidence and witnesses. -witness," said Yusri Yunus.

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