JAKARTA - Having a pregnancy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is not an easy thing. How not, in addition to maintaining your own health, you also need to think about the health of the fetus you are carrying.

Launching VOI, data released by the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (POGI) recently showed that there were 2,179 maternal deaths and nearly 18 percent of them, deaths due to COVID-19.

Quoting an interview conducted by VOI with dr. Yassin Yanuar Mohammad, Sp.OG-KFER, MSc, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Pondok Indah Hospital on the YouTube channel VOI, Monday, August 23, he said that there is a very big risk for pregnant women during a pandemic.

“Indeed, pregnant women are a vulnerable group. She is one of the groups who are very at risk if they have COVID-19, compared to the group who is not pregnant.” said dr. Yassin.

The risk that can be experienced by the first mother is the death of the pregnant mother. The second risk is experiencing COVID-19 which is more severe in nature. As is known, COVID-19 has a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe.

In pregnant women, the risk of experiencing COVID-19 with a severe course of symptoms may increase. It could also increase the chances of pregnant women with COVID-19 being admitted to the ICU. For this reason, cooperation from various parties is needed to protect pregnant women and the fetus they are carrying.

dr. Yassin also reminded that the thing that must be considered is that the older the gestational age, the higher the risk of transmission of the Corona virus.

Further, dr. Yassin revealed that the choice to get pregnant or not is an essential thing. You can decide with your partner to postpone the pregnancy or continue the program of conceiving.

In addition, you can also discuss with professional workers such as obstetricians or midwives so that married couples can conclude which option is best for them.

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