JAKARTA - Cinta Laura Kiehl just celebrated her 28th birthday on August 17th. Cinta Laura admits that she has no intention of getting married in the near future, nor does she want to have children like Gita Savitri.

"My mind hasn't reached that point yet. The desire doesn't exist yet. My parents were amazing, they said it's okay if you don't get married and don't have children," said Cinta Laura, quoted from The Hermansyah A6 YouTube channel, Thursday, August 19.

Love feels at home on its own because it claims to have other life goals to be achieved. "I'm very open to one day wanting to have my own family. But that's not now. Because I feel energy, ambition, desire to live, I'm not above 17 years old," said Cinta Laura.

There is a reason why Cinta Laura decided not to have children or childfree. According to him, the world's human population is already too large that he doesn't want to increase it.

"I like to see facts. Our world is so overpopulated. Too many humans live in this world. Why should I give birth to another human when I can adopt a child who now has no one to look after them? No one to love them, " he said.

The term childfree in Indonesia still sounds foreign. But Love is not alone with that desire. Writer and YouTuber Gita Savitri has also become a topic of conversation after her statement that she doesn't want to have children or is called childfree.

According to him, if a person is happy with the life of having children, he will not have to interfere with other people who have different principles.

"Because he's actually tired, tired, lethargic, and tormented, he has to take care of his child but doesn't want to admit it, that's why he's jealous."

In addition to Instagram, Gita Savitri is also active in expressing her opinion through her personal YouTube channel, including discussing marriage and having children.

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