JAKARTA - There are many ways to celebrate Indonesia's independence day. One of them is watching national-themed spectacles such as the animated series Heroes of Batak.

This series includes several titles such as "Kiras Bangun", "AH Nasution", "DI Panjaitan", "HT Rizal Nurdin", "Ferdinand Lumbantobing", "Nomensen" and "KH Zainul Arifin Pohan".

Films with nationalist themes are not only about the war against the invaders, but also about getting to know the names or profiles of the fighters, such as in the animated series of Batak heroes.

The entire series can be watched for free through the PIM Pictures YouTube channel. PIM Pictures producer, Agustinus Sitorus invites the whole community to enjoy the stories of Batak heroes who are widely known by the public.

Agustinus said that the animated series "Heroes of Batak" was created to help the younger generation remember the history of the figures who have contributed to Indonesia, especially those from North Sumatra.

"We are trying to make content that is light and can be enjoyed by children and teenagers, so that the proud figures of the people of North Sumatra can be remembered. We chose the animation medium because it felt close to the audience we were trying to target," Agustinus said as quoted by ANTARA. , Monday, August 16.

Agustinus also hopes that the animated series Hero of Batak can be a reference for teachers or instructors in telling characters from North Sumatra more easily.

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