JAKARTA - Tattoos as a symbol of art are still the idol of some people. However, many also want to remove tattoos for some reason. Is removing tattoos with a laser a safe way?

Dermatologist and Venereologist, Dr Amaranila Lalita Drijono, SpKK, FINSDV FAADV said that removing tattoos using a laser is a safe procedure.

"The level of safety is high as long as it is carried out by a doctor who is competent and in accordance with his field and masters the laser tool itself," said Dr Amaranila as quoted by ANTARA.

In the field of dermatology, initially laser technology was used to treat babies with birthmarks because it was considered to be very disruptive to their development, not only functionally but self-confidence or self-esteem.

"So we can be sure it is safe, because initially laser technology was used for babies, let alone for adults," he said.

Special Action

However, Dr. Amaranila reminded that there needs to be special care after the laser procedure. "Post-operative care is what is important, therefore before the procedure there must be a consultation, evaluated whether the patient is a good candidate for the procedure," he said.

It takes at least six months after the procedure for the tattoo to completely disappear. With good after action and care, the skin tissue will not be damaged.

"Lasers only work if there is a target, for example the target is skin pigment to remove tattoos, then choose a specific wavelength for the pigment, this is very specific. With very precise action and adjustable depth it will reduce unwanted wounds so that recovery is fast."

Removing tattoos with lasers is considered not too painful. "Pain can be tolerated with local anesthetic ointments and other aids."

In addition to removing tattoos, laser action can also be used to remove other unwanted things such as hair on certain body parts.

Laser action can also stimulate tissue. "For example, if there is a wound, it can improve the stimulation of healthy tissue to cover the wound," he explained.

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