JAKARTA - Head of the Prikasih Hospital's Emergency Department (IGD), dr. Gia Pratama said, there are three things you can do to maintain a general immune system, one of which is adequate sleep.

Adequate sleep here means 6-7 hours per day. Try to sleep before 23:00 and wake up before 05:00.

"Sleep before 11 o'clock that night to detoxify. Waking up before 5 o'clock attracts nitrite which makes blood vessels elastic," he said in a health webinar quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 11.

Second, do 150 minutes of exercise per week which can be divided into 30 minutes per 5 days. Sports that are really meant to increase heart rate such as walking, running or swimming, instead of sweeping or mopping the floor at will which actually fall into the category of physical activity.

Third, meet the intake of both macro and micro nutrients. Macronutrient intake includes three important things, namely carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.

Generally, people need carbohydrates as much as 45-65 percent of the total calories obtained each day, protein as much as 1 gram per kg of body weight which means a man weighing 60 kg needs 60 grams of protein per day.

Meanwhile, for healthy fats, one of which can be obtained from avocados, generally it takes about 20 percent of your calorie needs. These fats help absorb vitamins A, D, E and K.

In addition to macro nutrients, don't forget micronutrients such as minerals such as zinc and vitamins, one of which is vitamin C, which plays a role in maintaining the body's immunity while helping to increase collagen.

Gia said the maximum intake of vitamin C is 2000 mg. But actually 1000 mg is enough.

"It depends on the condition. Each individual has a different tolerance for the acidity of vitamin C, so this is a consideration for the daily dose of vitamin C," said Gia.

In addition, you also need vitamin D intake which can be obtained from sunlight. Sunlight converts pre-D3 to D3 as an immune booster. If funds allow, you can check serum levels of vitamins in your blood.

You can get nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, vitamins and zinc from marine fish such as tuna, tuna and salmon. You are advised to consume it three times a week. If these foods can not be obtained, you can add supplementation.

Fruits and vegetables such as guava, kiwi, peppers, strawberries, papaya, oranges, broccoli, tomatoes, kale also contain vitamin C and are good for you to consume.

In addition to sea fish, specifically for zinc, you can get it from tofu.

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