JAKARTA - Fatigue is something that everyone experiences. In research found in the United States and included in the "Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health" in 2008 showed that a third of the population of adolescents and adults often feel easily tired and easily sleepy.

The condition of being easily tired is often synonymous with one of the symptoms of a serious illness, but it turns out that fatigue is most often experienced due to lifestyle mistakes.

Fortunately, there are always ways to change this condition so that your body can re-energize and live a life of maximum quality.

Here are 10 lifestyles and tips to overcome them so you don't get tired easily, as reported by Antara from Healthline on Monday.

1. Eating too many carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are generally known as the best energy producer for the body, when you eat carbohydrates, the body will digest them and convert carbohydrates into sugar.

The results of digestion are ultimately used as energy to carry out various daily activities.

Moreover, in Indonesia, based on a 2017 Ministry of Health report entitled "Culinary Development", carbohydrates still have the main consumption portion in the community.

Apparently consuming too many carbohydrates can make you more easily sleepy and tired throughout the day.

This happens because in the process of digesting carbohydrates, the body will produce an increase in blood sugar levels. Your pancreas is working on making large amounts of insulin to distribute it throughout your body.

The increase in blood sugar that often makes you sleepy and easily tired. For that you are advised to consume enough carbohydrates according to your needs so you don't get tired easily.

Replace your carbohydrates with foods that contain more fiber such as vegetables or fruit so that you can maintain a proper and stable sugar intake. Or when you feel the need for energy quickly, you can consume fish broth or eat vegetable okra.

2. Passive lifestyle

Inactivity or a passive lifestyle of the body can be the root cause of your low energy. Sitting all day in front of a laptop or in front of a computer desk feels very tiring and eventually you are lazy to exercise.

This was also proven in a study published in the "Singapore Medical Journal" (2013) which showed that adults to the elderly chose to give up exercising because they were too tired to move all day.

One of the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is daily activities that are done too often.

In the study, it was found that CFS sufferers only had little strength and endurance so that their bodies became limited to exercise.

To overcome the routine that causes excessive fatigue, then you need to change some activities so that there is a significant change in pattern.

For example, if you are used to sitting, try to stand up while doing activities. Another example if you are used to using the elevator, then this time use the stairs so that your body moves more.

Thus you can be helped to reduce fatigue.

3. Lack of good sleep quality

Not getting good quality sleep is also one of the causes of excessive fatigue.

When you sleep, your body releases hormones that function to metabolize and control energy levels.

The best sleep is of course obtained at night, so when you wake up in the morning normally you will feel more refreshed and energized.

In research conducted by the Academy of Sleep Research in the United States, the best quality sleep can be obtained with an average of 7 hours per night.

Consistent time to sleep and replenish energy also certainly helps the body better so that it is not easy to get tired.

Therefore, if your current sleep schedule is not consistent and often changes, it's a good idea to start changing these bad habits so that your body is no longer easily exhausted.

Sleeping during the day for a short time is also worth trying to reduce fatigue when you don't get quality sleep or lack of sleep at night.

4. Sensitive to food

Allergies to food or sensitivity to food can apparently cause the body to tire easily.

If you are intolerant of some foodstuffs such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, and corn, there is a possibility that your body can feel tired easily.

The best way to deal with it, is to consult a nutritionist or allergist so that you can get the best way to avoid this problem.

5. Not meeting daily calories

If you are on a diet and reduce the amount of food or drink from the normal number and daily needs.

With certainty and naturally, fatigue will be your friend throughout the day.

Calories are important for your body, all metabolic processes, respiration processes, to the excretion process also require calories.

Not consuming calories according to your daily needs will certainly change your body's work patterns and have the potential to cause fatigue.

Normally humans need 1200 calories in a day to ensure all parts of the body work properly.

Therefore, make sure you don't lack calorie intake so you don't get tired easily.

6.Sleep at the wrong time

In addition to not meeting the need for bedtime, sleeping at the wrong time can also reduce your energy levels.

Long sleep during the day, will disrupt your body's digestive metabolic processes and change the body's response during the day and night during the 24-hour cycle.

The time you sleep determines how your digestive system works so that when you sleep during the day for a long time, your body gradually becomes difficult to digest calories during the day and ends up experiencing chronic fatigue.

7. Not getting enough protein

Consumption of less protein also seems to have an effect on fatigue.

Whereas consuming protein is more recommended than carbohydrates to support the body's metabolism.

If you are indeed losing weight, then it is better to eat protein because in addition to being good for the body's metabolism, protein also helps you overcome fatigue.

In the journal "Advanced in Experimental Medicine and Biology" (2013) from a study conducted on Korean students, it was found that students who consumed high protein such as fish, meat, eggs, and nuts twice a day did not feel tired easily.

In addition, they also help the body to be able to have a strong body resistance.

8. Lack of hydration

Good and sufficient hydration is important to maintain good energy levels in the body.

Lack of water can certainly cause fatigue not only physically but also psychologically.

If you lack hydration, then the first thing that will happen is that you will lack the ability to focus.

So make sure in a day you drink about 8 glasses or 2 liters of water to avoid dehydration.

9. Rely on energy drinks

There are many energy drink products that promise to support the body's energy so that you don't get tired easily, some of which are known to contain caffeine, sugar, amino acids, and large doses of B vitamins.

It is true that the product can increase energy but that is only temporary because of the caffeine and sugar content.

But it turns out, consuming the drink in the long term can affect the condition and quality of your sleep for the worse.

After the effect wears off, you will again feel incredibly tired and experience emotional disturbances.

You can consume the drink, but not for a prolonged period of time.

If you are used to it, you are better off reducing the amount of use and limiting caffeine consumption through coffee or other types of drinks, especially in the morning.

10. High stress levels

Excessive fatigue is also caused by high stress levels, not only fatigue, of course you also experience a decrease in quality of life.

Stress is something that must be experienced by everyone, but if it is excessive or too high then you can experience extraordinary fatigue.

If you can't handle stressful situations well then you need to consult an expert so that you no longer feel exhausted due to stress.

As a first escape, you may be able to do meditation or yoga to help your body no longer stress and relax.

With movement and exercise of body and mind, you can improve your quality of life and reduce stress so that your energy can increase

From all the explanations above, there are many factors that cause a person to experience chronic fatigue.

It is very important to see your health condition first, considering that fatigue is often a sign and symptom of other diseases.

However, if the results are good, then you have to change your lifestyle or lifestyle starting from how to eat, drink, to how to deal with stress.

Changes in a good lifestyle, of course, can change the condition of your body to be more energetic and get the best quality of life,

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