JAKARTA – For married couples, making love is an intimate routine to maintain closeness. Both emotional and physical closeness. At the beginning of marriage, sex may be more frequent intensity. But if your wife refuses to make love one time, you need to ask some questions.

The question is to ascertain the condition of the wife's physical health, reproductive health, and emotional condition. Reported by To Love, Honor, and Vacuum, Monday, August 9, based on a survey conducted on 2,000 women and recorded in The Great Sex Rescue reports.

That 73 percent of marriages have problems, especially when the wife refuses to have sex. These problems include lack of intimacy during sexual intercourse, anorgasmia, vaginismus, male sexual dysfunction, and porn use.

The first thing to note, avoid assuming before asking a number of questions below. Second, rejection is not due to one person's fault, but the couple's way of solving it together.

1. Ask about how much pleasure the wife experiences when making love

This question, actually needs to be said every time after making love. As you begin to get used to having sex, it's usually hard to make sure that your wife feels at least as much pleasure as you do.

2. Is there any pain experienced by the wife after making love?

A study of certain groups of women, 7 percent of them experience pain after sexual activity so that penetration is not possible.

This is certainly uncomfortable, but reluctant to open up because they are not used to talking about important things related to each other's reproductive organs after making love.

So, if the wife refuses to make love, ask if there is any pain that has been experienced after making love. If so, you and your wife need to have a more in-depth discussion about the right technique so as not to hurt and get pleasure in sexual activity together.

3. Discuss about sex, what is sex according to your wife and you

Many couples have a high sexual desire. They feel having sex is the most intimate moment. However, this does not necessarily mean that they make love to build physical and emotional intimacy.

Sometimes, we trade intimacy for sex, and we actually lose the meaning of both.

4. What about mutual trust?

Making love requires mutual trust, if the level is reduced then a sense of reluctance to make love may emerge. The decline in mutual trust can be triggered by various causes, so in addition to asking your wife, do reflective things too.

To discuss, avoid expressing in a high tone. Try to relax together, open up to each other, and share ideas.

5. Has his self-confidence decreased?

Many people experience shame and insecurity in sexual activity. It could be the wife's refusal to make love because she is feeling down and needs support. Try asking simple questions without being interrogative.

Show that you can understand and are committed to assisting in solving the problem that is the reason the wife refuses to make love.

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