JAKARTA - Olvah Alhamid, a beautiful daughter from Timika, Papua may not be as famous as movie stars or singers in Indonesia. However, being a small part of the entertainment world as a model, Olvah can be an inspiration because she is able to find her own way to a career as an international model. He, a rare diamond from Papua.

Diamond beauties are hard-pressed, and so is Olvah. Success in getting the title of Puteri Indonesia West Papua and entering the top 5 Puteri Indonesia, Olvah also became the first Papuan woman to win the title of Puteri Indonesia Intelejensia in 2015, apparently not making her automatically get a 'red carpet' in the Indonesian entertainment industry.

Several times participated in casting films for female characters from the east, Olvah was rejected because she was too beautiful! "I am often asked by people everywhere, such as on the street or in supermarkets, even when casting, 'You are Papuan, why are you beautiful?'. At first I just smiled but after a while I felt it was not a compliment, I think it's offensive. Isn't Papua beautiful?," said Olvah Alhamid in an exclusive interview with VOI in the Ciputat area, Wednesday, August 4.

"When I remember the answer of one of the film producers, it hurts me. I was told I couldn't play films in Indonesia because I was too beautiful as a Papuan. They were looking for ordinary Papuans. I immediately said, excuse me, ordinary Papuans. How's that? You don't play far enough, sir. You go to Papua from time to time, you see these people from East, Maluku, NTT, Sulawesi, they are beautiful and very handsome. Why are the ordinary ones being picked up. He can only answer, "Yes, that's entertainment in Indonesia," That's why I want to raise this topic, if I don't enter type A, I don't enter type B, then where do I go?" said Olvah with a bit of anger.

Olvah Alhamid (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Born as a Papuan, Olvah said he was proud. A place where tolerance is highly respected there. "If you come to Papua, don't have a place to live, the Papuans will give you a house. You can let your brother sleep on the bed and it's okay for them to sleep on the floor," he explained.

Another beauty that people need to know, he continued, is the religious tolerance that is rooted in the lives of Papuans. "When Muslims pray Eid in the field, it is the Christians who provide newspapers and mats for prayer mats. At Christmas, Muslims prepare speakers in droves to be used in churches. Papua is beautiful, but it is always associated with backwardness. This is discrimination, isn't it? ' he said in a disappointed tone.

However, Olvah is not a spoiled figure who can lose with the discrimination he gets. He wanted to prove that the stigma that was labeled on him was wrong.

"When I'm hurt, I don't hurt back. I'm a typical person who absorbs all life experiences. I have to prove that what people say is bad to me is wrong," he said.

A year later, after being crowned Puteri Indonesia Intelejensia, she took a lot of experience and lessons when she participated in Miss Eco Universe 2016 in Egypt. Olvah's modeling career even soared to New York, United States in 2018-2020 before returning to her country of birth due to the lockdown.

"I worked hard to be able to go to America. I saved money by building a shop in Bali for three years. After that I used all my savings to go to America. In America I still work in restaurants, I don't necessarily rely on savings. I want to prove I can afford it, " he explained.

Olvah Alhamid (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

God's hand seemed to support him to reach the dream he wanted. Olvah even auditioned for a model in New York by accident. "I walked around and saw the crowds, people queued for auditions. Then I auditioned and passed. This I prove that Papua and its beauty can be accepted by the world. Our mindset must be changed," he said.

For a big dream to change the stigma about Papua and improve the mindset of Indonesian people, Olvah wants to be a minister. "I want to have a good impact on anyone who listens and watches me. I want a positive impact, because small things for us can have a big impact on other people," he hoped.

To make a difference, Olvah works hard to beautify her body and soul. This University of Indonesia graduate realizes his dream is too big for most people, but he is confident that he can achieve it.

"To change other people, we must dare to change ourselves. If we have good intentions, there must be a way," he said.

Olvah realizes that the negative stigma she receives begins with the ease with which people do things without thinking. "The world changes because everyone does the same thing, that's not necessarily true, right? So I really want to be a minister to make changes," said Olvah Alhamid.

Olvah Alhamid (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The dream of being part of the government started with Olvah's habit of traveling around Indonesia. At his own expense, he absorbs the energy of the people who are inspired by his steps.

"I do this because I like it. I often travel around Indonesia at my own expense. I see how big the impact is when I say dreams are possible. Don't be silent, women are not only limited to the kitchen. And it turns out I inspire a lot of women, heart I'm full," he said.

Because of that, Olvah wanted to become a minister. "I want to be the minister of education, or the minister of social affairs, or women's empowerment. The point is that I want to make good changes in people's mindsets," she explained.

The owner of the name Syarifah Olvah Alhamid must face the long and winding road. But he didn't want to be discouraged. Using social media, Olvah welcomes the invitation of people who need his presence.

"I came to villages that I didn't know. Someone asked, 'Sis, come here,' I came at my own expense. I said you guys prepare 50-100 people, it's okay, I come alone. Don't worry about tickets and hotels. I'm ready to come, the important thing is to pick me up at the airport," he said.

Olvah Alhamid (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Apparently the move received a positive response. The more people who asked him to come, the greater the expenses he had to bear. However, Olvah again did not want to give up.

"I'm not a person who has a lot of money. So I asked for advice from people who understand, my family, my friends directed me to create an institution. And from there I can get help so that I can share experiences more often to other areas area if there is a sponsor," he said.

The high social spirit is in line with his work as a model. Despite devoting her full heart to sharing, Olvah never stopped working as a model.

"If I really like modeling. And I won't leave it no matter what happens. Everyone has to find where their passion is. Want to be anything if you have a passion, why not. It's just that in the end people always have a goal when to stop growing again for become a minister. But to walk to the minister, I don't want to stop modeling, "he said.

Olvah Alhamid (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

In the future, Olvah admits that he is considering entering politics. He wants to represent Papua in a more definite way.

"In the end I had to take that step. I think to make a change in Indonesia I also have to change. My friends, my friends are very supportive, including my family. They say 'your thinking is too forward looking, analyzing, until sometimes we don't catch'. They said I had to enter politics and a lot of people supported me," he said.

The girl who was born on March 24, 1990 admits that not everything about Papua is good. But, if no one fights for it then there will be no significant change.

"In Timika, I don't like seeing friends getting drunk. If I'm around, friends who are drunk run away, because I don't like it. But in Papua it's not always war as reported. I want people's mindset to be changed," he said. .

Departing from that belief, Olvah is sure that he can achieve his dream to become a minister. "Five years from now, Olvah already has a large social institution. In the next ten years I will be involved in politics, regarding the DPRD, the Regent or the Deputy Regent. Many people laughed at me when I wanted to become a minister, I said if you don't have dreams, don't break other people's dreams," he said.

"If we as humans can't help us achieve our dreams, don't kill them. Be patient and keep fighting, you have the right to dream, your dreams are valid! God won't give us our dreams if we hesitate to accept them. We deserve to accept dreams."

Olvah Alhamid

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