JAKARTA - Even for adults, nightmares are quite disturbing, let alone cutting hours of sleep at night. When children have nightmares, parents can calm them in the right ways.

Although there are various causes of nightmares, what children experience may be related to previous activities. Like what they watch before going to sleep or what they experience that affects their dreams in their sleep.

Most worryingly, the causes of nightmares in children as reported by The Asian parents are traumatic experiences and tiring day-to-day activities. Dreams are also experienced when the child is in a deep sleep or called Rapid Eye Movement (REM).

To calm him and make him go back to sleep when he wakes up from a bad dream, parents can do the following ways.

1. Validating the child's fears

The first way, the child's fear should not be ignored. Parents can ask about what is in his dream and scare him. By validating what scares your child, he or she will feel protected and valued.

2. Ask children to tell stories

Storytelling is a way to get rid of fear. Then ask the baby, what and how the events in his dream that scared him. Whatever the ending of the dream story, parents need to encourage him.

3. Create a safe atmosphere

If after telling the story your child still feels restless and has trouble falling back asleep, you can provide a comfortable blanket. Give him a glass of warm water and accompany him back to sleep.

4. Make a 'spell' to ward off nightmares

Either by praying or by making a 'mantra' is one way to get rid of his fear. Even if it's temporary, make the child divert his nightmares with something that is believed to drive away scary things.

5. Give something that pleases her

In order for your child to be happy again, you can promise him something that makes his heart happy. For example, tomorrow will do his favorite activity, eat his favorite food, or watch the show he likes the most.

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