JAKARTA – Reading personality is too complicated. There is no definite reference, starting from reading through zodiac characters, birthdays, zodiac signs, eyebrows, lip shapes, including signatures.

Launching a statement by Vanessa Van Edwards, author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding People, there have been a number of studies on the signature and personality of its owner. According to him, there are 5 things that can be considered related to a person's personality can be seen from his signature.

1. Angle or angle

Signatures with dipping or rising lines represent ambition, optimism, creativity and vitality. If someone has a signature that is increasing, it can describe these four things.

If the line and angle of the signature is decreasing, it represents skepticism and pessimism. While the straight signature angle can mark balance and control. This angle line will be visible even on lined paper.

2. Size

A study published by Science of People, Friday, July 30, after analyzing 500 signatures of chief financial officers found that larger size signatures tended to bend the truth.

They are more likely to misreport corporate earnings or loosen internal controls. Dr Charles Ham, one of the authors of the study, said the study established a link between signature size and narcissism.

Signature size is also related to confidence. The bigger the size, the more confident it is.

3. Readability

The scratch and readability of the stroke can convey confidence and balance. The more illegible a person is, the more a person doesn't want to get caught up in details and tends to think quickly.

4. Using initials

Signature in the form of initials or the front of the name, according to experts, is a sign of efficiency. If the letters are capitalized and the name is written only, it indicates an independent nature.

5. Ornament

Ornaments or decorations can be added to the signature, the shape can be dots, lines, heart shapes, circles, and others. According to experts, adding a long line ornament to the end of his signature signifies determination, drive, and perseverance.

The dot at the end of the signature signifies a strong sense of self and seriousness.

Based on research by graphologists, the more ornaments, the more complicated the person. While the simpler the signature, the more straightforward the person is.

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