The Netflix Series Filthy Rich Ambiguous On Jeffrey Epstein's Death
Jeffrey Epstein (screenshot of the Filthy Rich trailer)

JAKARTA - An excited statement by the Anonymous hacker group regarding the connection with the deaths of three musicians; Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Chris Cornell (Soundgarden), and Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) with Jeffrey Eipstein became a byword. Moreover, a documentary series about Epstein titled Filthy Rich was just released on Netflix on May 27.

Filthy Rich tells the story of Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy businessman who uses his wealth for the sex trade of minors. Recorded nine months prior to his arrest, the series is real because it features people who are closely related to him.

After being arrested in July 2019, Epstein is known to have died in August 2019 in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York. He was pronounced dead by suicide.

However, no one knows for sure how Epstein died. Reporting from ScreenRant, Thursday, June 11, journalist Tim Malloy said something was amiss regarding Epstein's death. A coincidence when Epstein commits suicide coincides with a broken CCTV camera and a guard who is fast asleep.

Forensic doctor Dr. Cyril Wecht said three fractures of Eipstein's bones could not be called suicides. Her fracture didn't match the fact that she jumped to hang herself. Wecht stated this because he was assigned to examine the autopsy results by Epstein's younger brother. Maybe someone wants to silence Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein's death is not explicitly featured in the Filthy Rich series. It's just that many people want his death. Shawna Rivera, one of the victims said there are many things that cannot be said. Likewise with Sarah Ransome who said that Epstein's case was only a small point of all existing cases.

Several days before he died, Jeffrey Epstein was known to transfer all of his wealth to an offshore account, making it difficult for the victim to get compensation. This is thought to be a sign that he is ready to die.

Although his death was widely suspected, Filthy Rich did not focus on it. The series focuses on how the victims opened their voices to the crimes committed by the former teacher.

You can watch all episodes of the Filthy Rich series on Netflix now. Previously, please see the trailer:

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