JAKARTA – Peperomia ornamental plants with leaf motifs such as watermelons or watermelons have beautiful leaf structures. At first glance, Peperomia is very similar to Calathea ornamental plants. But the difference is in the thickness of the leaves and the shape of the stem.
Peperomia watermelon ornamental plant is botanically known as Peperomia argyreia. Peperomia watermelon or watermelon begonia is a species of flowering plant in the Piperaceae family. This beautiful plant comes from Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
Even though it is called a species of begonia, it is actually not closely related, especially with watermelons which are known to contain lots of water and taste fresh.
The price of Peperomia watermelon is not so expensive, precisely in the range of Rp. 35,000 - Rp. 60,000. This beautiful flower also has the benefit of purifying the air.
Red pepperomia flowers are also often known. For those who like to collect and care for plants, both types of watermelons and red pepperomia can be propagated or bred in the following way.
How to multiply Peperomia watermelonBefore repotting or moving the Peperomia watermelon plant, it can be propagated by leaf cuttings. It can also be by splitting the stem. Based on the character of the plant, Peperomia watermelon does not like growing media that is too moist.
This means that a porous and loose planting medium is needed. The amount of watering and the volume of water also don't need to be too much. Enough once a day once a day to check the condition. If it is too dry, then it needs to be watered. Well, if it's too humid, it's best to dry it in the morning sun.
First, prepare the planting medium with a mixture of sand, compost, and loose soil. Mix without using husk charcoal so that the humidity is maintained.
![cara memperbanyak peperomia watermelon](/storage/publishers/70986/body_image_2021072816-1.jpg)
Second, choose old leaves from the Peperomia watermelon parent plant. Cut to the base of the stem so that the rest of the stem does not trigger rot.
Third, cut the stems until the remaining approximately 1 centimeter. Plug it into the planting medium and place it in a shady place or not exposed to direct sunlight.
Fourth, flush regularly and check every day to find out the growth of the nursery.
Peperomia watermelon saplings will grow shoots and roots in about 6-8 weeks. Now, after sprouting and rooting out, immediately move it to a new pot so that its growth is maximized.
Isn't it easy to multiply Peperomia watermelon? Interested in multiplying other Peperomia variants?
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